Here is the list of all api endpoints which we are providing.
For accessing private and public key:
Though you can access private key and public key after login into your developer account. Still we are providing api for accessing these properties. You need pass some data in body and you will get the response back from the api.
Api Endpoint | Request Data | Response Data |
{ "grant_type":"password", "username":"your registered email address", "password":"your password" } |
{ status:true, statusCode:200, data:{ privateKey:"your private key", publicKey:"your public key" } } |
For Getting Supported Categories & Sub-Categories
We are providing these apis for fetching the MCQs of different portals like hindi, english, engineering, programming. Under these portals which categories and sub categories are supported. You can find these categories through this api.
Note: {portal} is case sensitive so provide it in lowercase.
Api Endpoint | Request Body | Response Body |
GET{portal} | No Body Required |
{ status:true, statusCode:200, data:[] } |
For Fetching Subcategories
Only Engineering Portal has sub-categories. So when you want to access the engineering mcqs under some category and sub category, then you would required which all sub categories are supported. To check the supported sub-categories, make a request on this api.
Api Endpoint | Request Body | Response Body |
GET{portal}&category={category} | No Body Required |
{ status:true, statusCode:200, data:[] } |
For Fetching MCQs
This is the last but not the least api which we are providing. This api requires payment to access the data. And currently we are accepting payment through our QR Code.
Now you might wonder, how this QR Code payment is working, so we are doing it manually, because we currently don't have any automated system for accepting payements through third party payment gateways. So when you make payment, take the screen shot, Login into your developer account and upload it. That's all. We will check it and update the payment in your dashboard.
We are assuming that you will save these mcqs in your database. So each mcqs has a fixed amount and that is INR 1/- So if you request for 20 MCQs it means a total of INR 20/- would be required for this api request.
You can watch your transaction in your developer panel. you can monitor each api request in your dashboard.
Api Endpoint | Request Data | Response Data |
{ "portal":"programming", "category":"Linux", "noOfQuestions":"10", "currentPage":"1" } |
{ status:true, statusCode:200, data:{ "questionResponseDto": [ { "question": "What command is used to remove files?", "option1": "dm", "option2": "rm", "option3": "delete", "option4": "erase", "correctAns": "B" }], "isPreviousPageAvailable": true, "isNextPageAvailable": false, "currentPage": 1, "noOfQuestions": 10, "foundQuestions": 10 } } |
Modify the above request.
If you want to get the questions of english portal, in that case the request body will be
{ "portal":"english", "noOfQuestions":"10", "currentPage":"1" }
If you want to filter the response more, you can add category of english portal English,History,Reasoning,Politics,Math,World History,Economics,Physics,Chemistry,Biology,General Awareness,Science. The result will be shown from these categories only.Now the request body will be:
{ "portal":"english", "category":"Reasoning", "noOfQuestions":"10", "currentPage":"1" }
Now all the questions of reasoning category will be available in response body.
Programming Questions
To fetch the programming questions, portal will programming and you can filter the response to next level by adding category from any of these Bootstrap, C#, C++, C Programming, CSS, Cloud Computing, Data Science, HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, Linux, Machine Learning, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word, MS Dos, MySQL, Perl, PHP, Python, R Programming, Ruby, SQL Server
Note: Programming questions' response body has a new key "code" with the questionDto and the code part of question will be available in this key.
For Example:
{ "portal":"programming", "category":"C++", "noOfQuestions":"10", "currentPage":"1" }
Response Body will be like
{ "question": "What is the output of this program?", "option1": "UdayMCQBuddy", "option2": "5", "option3": "7", "option4": "8", "correctAns": "C", "code": "#include \r\n #include \r\n using namespace std;\r\n void function(std::string message, ...);\r\n int main()\r\n {\r\n function("UdayMCQBuddy", 5, 7, 10, 8, 9);\r\n return 0;\r\n }\r\n void function(std::string message, ...)\r\n {\r\n va_list ptr;\r\n int number;\r\n va_start(ptr, message);\r\n number = va_arg(ptr, int);\r\n number = va_arg(ptr, int);\r\n cout << number;\r\n }" },
Engineering Questions
Unlike other portal, The request body will be same. You can add one more filter to subCategory:""
Engineering categories and sub categories are :
Category: Computer Science Engineering
Sub Categories .NET Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (AIR), Database Management System (DBMS), C# .Net Programing , Cloud Computing , Communication Engineering, Computer Graphics, Computer Microprocessor and Assembly Language, Computer Networks, Introduction to computer and programming, Computer Architecture, Computer Architecture and Organization, Computer Engineering Soft Computing, Computer Fundamentals, Data Communication and Computer Network, Computer Networking (CN), CPP Programming, Data Analysis, Data Compression and Data Retrieval, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Data Mining and Data Warehouse, Data Structure (DS), Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Digital Electronics and Logic Design, Digital Logic Circuits (DLC), Digital Principles and System Design, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Structure (DS), Distributed Computing System (DCS), DotNet Technology, Embedded Real Time Operating System, Green Computing (GC), High Performance Computing, Information and Network Security, Information Cyber Security (ICS), Information Retrival Techniques, Machine Learning (ML), Information systems and engineering economics , Microprocessor and Interfacing Technique, Microprocessors, Multi-core Architectures and Programming, Multi-core Processors, Network Security, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Control, Object Oriented Programming (OOP), Operating System (OS), Operating System Architecture, Principles of Economics and Management, Principles of Management, Problem Solving and Python Programming, Programming for Problem Solving, Python Programming, Software Design Modeling (SDM), Software Engineering, Software Project Management (SPM), Software Testing, Software Testing and Quality Assurance (STQA), Theory of Computation, Theory of Computation and Compiler Design, Ubiquitous Computing System (UCS), Usability Engineering, Internet of Things (IoT)Category: Mechanical Engineering
Sub Categories Applied Mechanics, AutoCAD (CAD), Automobile Engineering, CAD-CAM and Automation, Design of Machine Elements, Dynamics of Machinery, Dynamics of Machines, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electrical Drives and Controls (EDC) , Energy Conversion, Engineering Materials, Engineering Metallurgy, Engineering Thermodynamics, Environmental Engineering, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Foundry Technology, Heat Engines, Heat Transfer, Industrial Engineering, Internal Combustion Engines (I.C. Engines), Machine Design, Manufacturing Processes, Manufacturing Technology, Mass Transfer, Material Handling, Mechanical Measurements, Metallurgy, Mechatronics, Metrology and Measurements, Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation, Power Plant Engineering (PPE), Principles of Food Preservation, Problem Solving and Python Programming, Principles of Programming Languages, Process Planning and Cost Estimation, Theory Of Machine, Thermal EngineeringCategory: Chemical Engineering
Sub Categories Chemical Process Industries, Chemical Engineering Basics, Chemical Engineering Plant Economics, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, Fertiliser Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Fuels And Combustion, Furnace Technology, Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Materials And Construction, Mechanical Operations, Nuclear Power Engineering, Petroleum Refinery Engineering, Polymer Technology, Process Control And Instrumentation, Process Equipment And Plant DesignCategory: Production Engineering
Sub Categories Compressors, Engineering Materials, Heat Transfer, Hydraulic Machines, Industrial Engineering, Machine DesignCategory: Electrical Engineering
Sub Categories Amplifiers with Negative Feedback, Analog Electronics, Basic Electrical Engineering, Cables, Circuits and Circuit Theory, Control Systems, Current Electricity, D.C. Generators, Antennas and Microwave Engineering, Control of Electric Drives, Control System 2, Control System Engineering, Power ElectronicsCategory: Civil Engineering
Sub Categories Building Construction, Building Materials, Applied Mechanics and Graphic Statics, Theory Of Structures, Environmental Engineering, Advance Construction and Equipments, Advance Construction Technology, Building Services, Concrete Technology, Building Technology and Architectural Planning, Concrete Technology and Design, Construction Management, Construction Project Management, Construction Quality Control and Monitoring, Construction Technology, Design of Masonry Structures, Design of Reinforced Cement Concrete Elements, Design of Steel Structures, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines, Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Highway Engineering, Hydraulic Machines, Hydraulics, Hydraulics and Fluid MechanicsCategory: Electronics and Communication Engineering
Sub Categories Computer Graphics, Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA), Electromagnetic Field, Electronic Devices and Circuits, Microprocessors, Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Power ElectronicsCategory: Information Technology Engineering (IT)
Sub Categories C# .Net Programing , Cloud Computing , Computer Fundamentals, CPP Programming, Data Communication and Computer Network, Data Compression and Data Retrieval, Data Mining and Business Intelligence, Data Structure (DS), Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA), Distributed Computing System (DCS), DotNet Technology, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Internet of Things (IoT)Category: Biotechnology Engineering
Sub Categories Introduction to Biotechnology, Basic Principles of Biotechnology, Biochemistry in Biotechnology, Microbiology, Agricultural BioTechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Cell Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Biosensors, Enzyme Engineering in Biotechnology, Food Biotechnology, Methods and Techniques in Applied Biology, Microbial Biotechnology, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Physiology and Metabolism, Plant Biotechnology, Protein and Nuclei Acids, Recombinant DNA TechnologyNote: No sub category can be mixed with other category. It will through error.
Request Body
{ "category":"Computer Science Engineering", "subCategory":"Database Management System (DBMS)", "portal":"engineering", "noOfQuestions":1, "currentPage":1 }
Response Body
{ "status": true, "statusCode": 200, "data": { "questionResponseDto": [ { "question": "The following term applies to a collection of related records in a database", "option1": "File", "option2": "Layout", "option3": "File", "option4": "Field", "correctAns": "A" } ], "isPreviousPageAvailable": false, "isNextPageAvailable": true, "currentPage": 1, "noOfQuestions": 1, "foundQuestions": 1 } }
Fetch Selected Questions
Developers, we are happy to say that, you can pre-select the MCQs from the list of all MCQs. Those selected MCQs will appear in the response body. Request body and response body for this api will be same. One thing, you need to pass in url ?showSelectedQuestion=yes. That's it now you will see your selected questions in the api response.
You can select the questions from developer panel after login into your developer account.