Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Plant Kingdom
11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Plant Kingdom MCQs
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of 11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Plant Kingdom here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking the option or by clicking view answer button.
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(A) Symbiosis
(B) Myremecophilly
(C) Helotism
(D) Parasitism
(A) R-Phycocyanin
(B) R-Phycoerythrin
(C) C-Phycocyanin
(D) C-Phycoerythrin
(A) Procaryotes
(B) Thallophyta
(C) Bryophyta
(D) Spermatophyta
(A) Cellulose
(B) Pectin/Pectose
(C) Hemicellulose
(D) Protein
(A) Carpel
(B) Oogonium
(C) Archegonia
(D) Oosphere
(A) Isogamy
(B) Anisogamy
(C) Oogamy
(D) Any of the above
(A) Red algae
(B) Brown algae
(C) Blue green algae
(D) Green algae
(A) A gametophyte
(B) A sporophyte
(C) Half gametophyte
(D) Haploid phase
(A) Moss
(B) Little Club moss
(C) Pinus
(D) Angiosperm
(A) Fritsch
(B) Papenfus
(C) Smith
(D) Morris
(A) Oogamous and homosporous
(B) Oogamous and heterosporous
(C) Isogamous & heterosporous
(D) Isogamous & Homosporous
(A) Bohr’s effect
(B) Gaudikov’s effect
(C) Fogg’s effect
(D) Pasteur effect
(A) Pinus
(B) Polytrichum
(C) Adiantum
(D) Marchantia
(A) Strobili
(B) Microsporangia
(C) Megasporangia
(D) Macrosporangia
(A) Ulothrix
(B) Spirogyra
(C) Chlamydomonas
(D) Riccia
(A) Moss
(B) Mucor
(C) Spirogyra
(D) Puccinia
(A) Spirogyra
(B) Laminaria
(C) Polysiphonia
(D) Chlorella
(A) These plants live in soil and depend on marine organisms for asexual reproduction.
(B) These plants live in soil and depend on water for sexual reproduction.
(C) These plants live in water and depend on land animals for sexual reproduction.
(D) These plants live near water bodies.
(A) Cedrus
(B) Equisetum
(C) Ginkgo
(D) Marchantia
(A) Tree habit
(B) Green leaves
(C) Ovules not enclosed in ovary
(D) Wood
(A) chrysophyta
(B) phaeophyta
(C) pyrrophyta
(D) chlorophyta
(A) Free gametophyte
(B) Dependent sporophyte
(C) Heterospory
(D) Haploid life cycle
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