Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Animal Kingdom
11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Animal Kingdom MCQs
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of 11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Animal Kingdom here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking the option or by clicking view answer button.
All subjects and chapters of 11th Class are listed below. You can select any subject and chapter below to learn mcq questions of that chapter and subject.
(A) Sporozoites
(B) Ookinetes
(C) Oocystes
(D) Merozoites
(A) Annelida
(B) Mollusca
(C) Cnidaria
(D) Echinodermata
(A) Pulmonary vein
(B) Hepatic vein
(C) Carotid artery
(D) Pulmonary artery
(A) Urea
(B) Ammonia
(C) Both A and B
(D) None
(A) Two
(B) Six
(C) Four
(D) Three
(A) Aschelminthes (round worms)
(B) Ctenophores
(C) Sponges
(D) Coelenterates (Cnidarians)
(A) One host
(B) Three hosts
(C) Two hosts
(D) None
(A) Vivax malaria
(B) Relapse malaria
(C) Tertian malaria
(D) Malignant malaria
(A) Exogenous host for Plasmodium
(B) Endogenous host for Plasmodium
(C) Initial host
(D) None of the above
(A) Gills
(B) Food Vacuole
(C) Plasmalemma
(D) Contractile vacuole
(A) Pyrantal palmate
(B) Quinine
(C) Antipar
(D) All of the above
(A) Decreases
(B) Increases
(C) First increases then decreases
(D) First decreases then increases
(A) Platyhelminthes
(B) Annelida
(C) Echinoderms
(D) Arthropoda
(A) Garbage
(B) Human blood
(C) Flower sap
(D) All of the above
(A) Typhoid
(B) Yellow fever
(C) Typhus
(D) Trench fever
(A) Ventral nerve cord
(B) Closed circulatory system
(C) Segmentation
(D) Pseudocoelom
(A) Threadworms
(B) Sponges
(C) Tapeworms
(D) Liver fluke
(A) Blood
(B) Bile
(C) Digestive tract
(D) Lungs
(A) Sea-anemone
(B) Sea-pen
(C) Sea-cucumber
(D) Sea-horse
(A) Tuataras
(B) Lizards and snakes
(C) Turtles and tortoises
(D) Crocodiles, alligators, caimans
(A) Didelphic
(B) Monodelphic
(C) Polydelphic
(D) None
(A) Parasitism
(B) Growth
(C) Reproduction
(D) Locomotion
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