Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Morphology of Flowering Plants
11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Morphology of Flowering Plants MCQs
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of 11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Morphology of Flowering Plants here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking the option or by clicking view answer button.
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(A) Inflorescence
(B) Leaves
(C) Roots
(D) Stem
(A) Carbohydrate
(B) Protein
(C) Lipid
(D) Enzyme
(A) Parietal
(B) Free central
(C) Marginal
(D) Axile
(A) a multipistillate syncarpous flower
(B) a cluster of compactly borne flowers on a common axis
(C) a multilocular monocarpellary flower
(D) a unilocular polycarpellary flower
(A) Solanaceae
(B) Malvaceae
(C) Leguminosae
(D) Cruciferae
(A) Kapok
(B) Silk cotton
(C) Cotton
(D) Dhaincha
(A) Polygamous
(B) Bisexual
(C) Dioecious
(D) Unisexual
(A) Albizzia lebec
(B) Ashoka indiana
(C) Abrus indica
(D) Saraca indica
(A) Cabbage
(B) Cauliflower
(C) Sunflower
(D) Wolffia
(A) Aril
(B) Integument
(C) Exocarp
(D) Cupule
(A) Axile
(B) Free central
(C) Marginal
(D) Basal
(A) Region of maturation
(B) Root cap
(C) Region of meristematic activity
(D) Root hair
(A) spathe
(B) bract
(C) petiole
(D) ligule
(A) Fruits having many seeds
(B) Fruit having single seed
(C) Fruits having wings formed from other structure
(D) Fruit without seed
(A) mustard
(B) gulmohur
(C) ioruato
(D) Datura
(A) Trimerous and hypogynous
(B) Pentamerous and epigynous
(C) Trimerous and epigynous
(D) Pentamerous and hypogynous
(A) Solanaceae
(B) Fabaceae
(C) Liliaceae
(D) Poceae
(A) Proximal
(B) Distal
(C) Intercalary
(D) Any where
(A) These plants are not angiosperms
(B) There is no double fertilization in them
(C) Endosperm is not formed in them
(D) Endosperm gets used up by the developing embryo during seed development
(A) Taproots
(B) Fibrous roots
(C) Adventitious roots
(D) Nodular roots
(A) Floral organs
(B) Flower in inflorescence
(C) Veins and veinlets in a lamina
(D) All of them
(A) Gram
(B) Orchids
(C) Maize
(D) Castor
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