Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Cell Cycle and Cell Division

11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Cell Cycle and Cell Division MCQs

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(A) late telophase
(B) late prophase
(C) early anaphase
(D) late metaphase
(A) walls to the centre
(B) centre to the walls
(C) in patches
(D) simultaneously
(A) Cell
(B) Zygote
(C) Tissue
(D) Growth
(A) 60 minutes
(B) 90 minutes
(C) 30 minutes
(D) 45 minutes
(A) G1 phase (Gap1)
(B) S phase (Synthesis)
(C) G2 phase (Gap2)
(D) ail of these stages
(A) G1 phase
(B) G2 phase
(C) S phase
(D) None of these
(A) Meristemic tissue
(B) cambium tissue
(C) equational division
(D) syneytium
(A) Prophase
(B) Metaphase
(C) Anaphase
(D) All of the above
(A) Kinetochores
(B) sister chromatids
(C) microtubule
(D) Golgi complex
(A) division of cytoplasm
(B) division of nucleoplasm
(C) division of nucleus
(D) separation of daughter chromosomes
(A) Anaphase
(B) Metaphase
(C) Prophase
(D) Telophase
(A) Metaphase
(B) Interphase
(C) Prophase
(D) Telophase
(A) splitting of the centromeres
(B) splitting of the chromatids
(C) replication of the genetic material
(D) condensation of the chromatin
(A) Autotetraploid
(B) Haploid
(C) Triploid
(D) Allotetraploid
(A) mitosis
(B) endomitosis
(C) meiosis
(D) androgenesis
(A) Diploid
(B) Haploid
(C) Polyhybrid
(D) Polyploid
(A) Metaphase I
(B) Anaphase I
(C) Anaphase II
(D) Metaphase II
(A) First division is reductional and second is equationai.
(B) First division is equationai, second is reductional.
(C) Both division are equationai.
(D) Both division are reductional.
(A) Reductional division
(B) Equationai division
(C) Multiplicational division
(D) Disjunctional division.
(A) Zygotene and S phase (of interphase prior to prophase I)
(B) Pachytene and interphase (just prior to prophase I)
(C) Both
(D) None of these
(A) replicated chromosomes to be separated at anaphase
(B) homologous chromosomes of a diploid set
(C) non-homologous chromosomes joined at the centromere
(D) maternal and paternal chromosomes joined at the centromere
(A) prophase I in meiosis
(B) prophase II in meiosis
(C) metaphase II in meiosis
(D) prophase in mitosis
(A) Blackman
(B) Flemming
(C) Robertson
(D) Former and Moore
(A) Metaphase
(B) Telophase
(C) Late prophase
(D) Late anaphase
(A) Sepration of chromatids
(B) Separation of homologous chromosomes
(C) Synthesis of DNA and centromere
(D) Separation of sex chromosomes
(A) Leptotene
(B) Zygotene
(C) Prophase
(D) Pachytene
(A) All living organisms
(B) Lower animals
(C) Higher plants
(D) Higher animals
(A) genetically different
(B) multinucleate
(C) genetically similar
(D) anucleate
(A) the contraction of the contractile ring of microfilament
(B) depolymerisation of kinetochore microtubules
(C) a protein kinase that phosphorylates other enzymes
(D) the separation of sister chromatids
(A) 1 in mitosis and 2 in meiosis
(B) 2 each in mitosis and meiosis
(C) 2 in mitosis and 4 in meiosis
(D) 2 in mitosis and 1 in meiosis
(A) non-disjunction
(B) coincidence
(C) complementation
(D) interference
(A) During S-phase
(B) During entire prophase
(C) During telophase
(D) During G2 stage of prophase
(A) Nuclear envelope, nucleolus, Golgi complex and ER reform
(B) Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles
(C) Chromosomes lose their identity as discrete elements
(D) All of these
(A) C, B, A, D, E
(B) C, A, B, E, D
(C) C, B, A, E, D
(D) D, B, C, E, A
(A) 06
(B) 16
(C) 26
(D) 36

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