Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Photosynthesis in Higher Plants
11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQs
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(A) the rate of light reaction
(B) the rate of dark reaction
(C) the rates of both light and dark reactions
(D) none of the above
(A) RuBP
(A) malic acid
(B) phosphoenol pyruvate
(C) rubisco
(D) aspartic acid
(A) Calvin
(B) Blackman
(C) Priestley
(D) None of these
(A) Calvin cycle
(B) Glycolysis
(C) Cyclic electron pathway
(D) Krebs cycle
(A) Chlorophyll synthesis
(B) Nucleic acid synthesis
(C) Plant cell wall formation
(D) Photolysis of water during photosynthesis
(A) Anaerobic production of ATP
(B) The citric acid cycle production of ATP
(C) Production of ATP by chemiosmosis
(D) Alcoholic fermentation
(A) Carotene
(B) Chlorophyll a
(C) Chlorophyll b
(D) Xanthophyll
(A) light
(B) oxygen
(D) mineral salt
(A) ratio of oxygen evolved to carbon dioxide absorbed
(B) increase in fresh weight
(C) increase in dry weight
(D) increase in carbohydrate
(A) two distinct photochemical reactions
(B) light and dark reactions of photosynthesis
(C) photophosphorylation
(D) photorespiration
(A) glucose
(B) sucrose
(C) starch
(D) maltose
(A) Lysosomes
(B) Mitochondria
(C) Chloroplasts
(D) Golgi apparatus
(A) Robert Emerson
(B) Ruben
(C) Blackman
(D) Calvin
(A) ATP is prosthetic part of an enzyme
(B) ATP is an enzyme
(C) ATP is organic ions of enzyme
(D) ATP is a Co-enzyme
(A) Transpiration
(B) Respiration
(C) Photosynthesis
(D) Endosmosis
(A) Eight
(B) Two
(C) Six
(D) Four
(A) Dark reaction to the light reaction
(B) Light reaction to the dark reaction
(C) Chloroplasts to mitochondria
(D) Mitochondria to chloroplasts
(A) Catalase
(B) Rubisco
(C) Nitrogenase
(D) Invertase
(A) CO2
(C) H2O
(A) Reductive carboxylation
(B) Oxidative carboxylation
(C) Photophosphorylation
(D) Oxidative phosphorylation
(A) Green cells
(B) Sunlights
(C) Cytochromes
(D) Organic fuel
(A) 340-450 nm
(B) 400-700 nm
(C) 450-950 nm
(D) 500-600 nm
(A) CO2 is taken in
(B) O2 is taken in
(C) CO2 is taken out
(D) O2 is taken in and CO2 is given out
(A) 400-700
(B) 760-10,000
(C) 100-390
(D) 390-430
(A) It is a colored cell
(B) It is an enzyme involved in oxidation reaction
(C) It has an important role in metabolism
(D) It contains iron
(A) Two distinct photosystems
(B) Light and dark reactions of photosynthesis
(C) Photophosphorylation
(D) Photorespiration
(A) C3 plants
(B) CAM plants
(C) C4 plants
(D) All of these
(A) Oxaloacetic acid
(B) Phosphoglyceric acid
(C) Ribulose biphosphate
(D) Phosphoenolpyruvate
(A) Regeneration
(B) Fixation
(C) Carboxylation
(D) Decarboxylation
(A) stroma
(B) thylakoid
(C) grana
(D) cytoplasm of cell
(A) opening of stomata
(B) increase in metabolic rate
(C) wilting of leaves
(D) lesser availability of carbon dioxide
(A) 0.003%
(B) 0.03%
(C) 0.30 %
(D) 3.00 %
(A) Storage of starch, proteins and lipids
(B) Possession of thylakoids and grana
(C) Presence of pigments
(D) Ability to multiply by a fission-like process
(A) Water
(B) Cytochromes
(C) O2
(D) CO2
(A) Sun light
(B) Yellow light
(C) Red light
(D) Green light
(A) bulliform cells
(B) isobilateral leaf
(C) kranz anatomy
(D) parallel veins configuration
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