Home / NCERT MCQs / 11th Class / Biology / Digestion and Absorption
11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Digestion and Absorption MCQs
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of 11th Class - Biology | Chapter: Digestion and Absorption here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking the option or by clicking view answer button.
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(A) Pons
(B) Hypothalamus
(C) Parietal lobe
(D) Medulla
(A) Maltose-lactase
(B) Protein-amylase
(C) Carbohydrate-lipase
(D) Casein-rennin
(A) Epithelial tissue
(B) Glandular tissue
(C) Lymphatic tissue
(D) Haemopoietic tissue
(A) First carbohydrates, next proteins and lastly lipids
(B) First carbohydrates, next fats and lastly proteins
(C) First fats, next carbohydrates and lastly proteins
(D) First proteins next lipids and lastly carbohydrates
(A) starch is converted into glucose
(B) glucose is converted into fructose
(C) protein is converted into glucose
(D) glucose is converted into pyruric acid
(A) Smooth movement of food down the intestine
(B) Production of somatostatin
(C) Secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands
(D) Maturation of sperms
(A) Disaccharide to monosaccharide
(B) Pepsinogen to pepsin
(C) Prorennin to rennin
(D) Polypeptide to peptide
(A) Maltase
(B) Invertase
(C) Sucrase
(D) Zymase
(A) utilising the water taken by body
(B) accumulating the food for digestion
(C) utilisation of absorbed substances
(D) collecting wastes left after the absorption of required nutrients
(A) Electric charge on ion
(B) Speed with which ions form
(C) Size of ions
(D) Concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution
(A) Colon
(B) Caecum
(C) Anus
(D) Rectum
(A) Wolffian duct
(B) Stensons duct
(C) Haversian duct
(D) Infra-orbit duct
(A) Pancreas
(B) Liver
(C) Stomach
(D) Intestine
(A) mucus
(B) cholesterol
(C) peptones
(D) bilirubin
(A) Liver enzymes
(B) Bile pigments
(C) Bile salts
(D) Enzymes of small intestine
(A) phagocytic vesicles
(B) pinocytic vesicles
(C) microvilli
(D) zymogen granules
(A) Fructose and some amino acids
(B) Amino acids and glucose
(C) Glucose and fatty acids
(D) Fatty acids and glycerol
(A) Liver and spleen
(B) Liver and muscle
(C) Liver
(D) Spleen and muscles
(A) Trypsinogen
(B) Chymotrypsin
(C) Parasitic
(D) lipase
(A) Saliva
(B) Tears
(C) A and B both
(D) Mitochondria
(A) Enamel
(B) Dentin
(C) Bony socket
(D) Cementum
(A) Dentin
(B) Enamel
(C) A and B both
(D) None of these
(A) Pyloric stomach
(B) Duodenum
(C) Ileum
(D) Oesophagus
(A) Pancreas
(B) Stomach
(C) Salivary glands
(D) Intestine
(A) Fructose and some amino acids
(B) Amino acids and glucose
(C) Glucose and fatty acids
(D) Fatty acids and glycerol
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