Sets MCQs with answers
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of 11th Class - Math | Chapter: Sets here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking the option or by clicking view answer button.
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Q. If A, B and C are any three sets, then A × (B ∪ C) is equal to
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Q. IF A = [5, 6, 7] and B = [7, 8, 9] then A ∪ B is equal to
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Q. Which of the following sets are null sets
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Q. If R = {(2, 1),(4, 3),(4, 5)}, then range of the function is?
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Q. The members of the set S = {x | x is the square of an integer and x < 100} is
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Q. In a class of 120 students numbered 1 to 120, all even numbered students opt for Physics, whose numbers are divisible by 5 opt for Chemistry and those whose numbers are divisible by 7 opt for Math. How many opt for none of the three subjects?
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Q. { (A, B) : A² +B² = 1} on the sets has the following relation
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Q. Two finite sets have N and M elements. The number of elements in the power set of first set is 48 more than the total number of elements in power set of the second test. Then the value of M and N are
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Q. The range of the function f(x) = 3x – 2‚ is
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Q. If A, B, C be three sets such that A ∪ B = A ∪ C and A ∩ B = A ∩ C, then,
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