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Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Power Electronics here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.


Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 161) A fully controlled converter uses

(A) diodes only
(B) thyristors only
(C) both diodes and thyristors
(D) none of the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 162) In a B-2 type full controlled bridge converter

(A) one SCR conducts at a time
(B) two SCRs conduct at a time
(C) three SCRs conduct at a time
(D) four SCRs conduct at a time
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 163) In a step down chopper, if Vs = 100 V and the chopper is operated at a duty cycle of 75 %. Find the output voltage.

(A) 100 V
(B) 75 V
(C) 25 V
(D) none of the mentioned
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 164) Find the expression for output voltage for a step-up chopper, assume linear variation of load current and α as the duty cycle.

(A) Vs
(B) Vs/α
(C) Vs/(1-α)
(D) Vs/√2
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 165) Find the output voltage for a step-up chopper when it is operated at a duty cycle of 50 % and Vs = 240 V.

(A) 240 V
(B) 480 V
(C) 560 V
(D) 120 V
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 166) In the method of phase control, the phase relationship between ___ & ___ is controlled by varying the firing angle

(A) supply current, supply voltage
(B) end of the load current, end of the load voltage
(C) start of the load current, start of the load voltage
(D) load current, load voltage
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 167) In a single phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load & Vs=Vm sinωt, the maximum value of the load current can be given by

(A) 2Vm/R
(B) Vs/R
(C) Vm/2
(D) Vs/2
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 168) A single-phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load is triggered at an angle of α = 0°. As such, the maximum value of the average output voltage would be given by Consider Vs = Vm sinωt.

(A) Vm
(B) 2Vm/π
(C) Vm/π
(D) Vm/α
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 169) The AC voltage controllers are used in __________ applications.

(A) power generation
(B) electric heating
(C) conveyor belt motion
(D) power transmission
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Mr. Dubey • 51.47K Points

Q. 170) A cycloconverter is a:

(A) Frequency changer from higher to lower frequency with one-state conversion
(B) Frequency changer from higher to lower frequency with two-stage conversion
(C) Frequency changer from lower to higher frequency with one-stage conversion
(D) Either a or c
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