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Power Electronics MCQs | Page - 25
Dear candidates you will find MCQ questions of Power Electronics here. Learn these questions and prepare yourself for coming examinations and interviews. You can check the right answer of any question by clicking on any option or by clicking view answer button.
Q. 241) The total number of leads in reverse conducting thyristor is
Q. 242) Assertion (A): A TRIAC is a bidirectional SCR. Reason (R): A TRIAC is a four layers 3 terminal device and can conduct in both directions.
Q. 243) A semi converter operates in two quadrants.
Q. 244) A single phase half wave rectifier is feeding a resistive load. When a = 0, dc output voltage is 127 V. When a = 30°, the dc output voltage will be about
Q. 245) A single phase full wave regulator feeds R-L load. The best gating signal is
Q. 246) A 3 phase induction motor is fed by a 3 phase ac regulator to change the stator voltage. The variation in speed will be more if
Q. 247) The waveshape of output voltage of half bridge inverter is
Q. 248) The two-transistor model of a thyristor consists of two transistors :
Q. 249) In a thyristor, the forward breakover voltage
Q. 250) The gate lead, in a thyristor is welded to :
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