Growth and Development


Vikash Gupta • 24.35K Points
Instructor III

Q 31. Development of one leading sector is a feature of Rostow’s stage of growth of

(A) the traditional society
(B) pre-conditions for take off
(C) the take off stage
(D) drive to maturity
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Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 32. Dualism and dichotomies in geography do not include

(A) general geography versus regional geography
(B) physical geography versus human geography
(C) quantitative versus behavioural geography
(D) hard geography versus soft geography
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 33. The assumptions of Technological dualism not include

(A) there are two sectors of the economy
(B) there are two factors of production
(C) two commodities are produced
(D) there are two modes of production
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Vinay • 19K Points
Tutor I

Q 34. The prior savings approach is based on classical economics which emphasizes that prior saving determines

(A) investment
(B) income
(C) consumption
(D) inflation rate
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 35. The extension of Harrod-Domar model was made by adding the term for foreign trade balance as per cent of

(A) investment
(B) national income
(C) export
(D) import
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Ram Sharma • 188.81K Points

Q 36. In the Keynesian model, investment is not constrained by prior savings but by ------------ acceptable to the workers.

(A) investment
(B) income
(C) consumption
(D) inflation rate
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Mohini Yadav • 27.60K Points
Instructor II

Q 37. The Prior Saving Theory regards saving as a prerequisite of --------

(A) investment
(B) income
(C) consumption
(D) inflation rate
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Vinay • 19K Points
Tutor I

Q 38. The characteristics of Rostow’s Traditional society include

(A) enlarged production function
(B) employment in agriculture
(C) social mobility
(D) political power
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Vikash Gupta • 24.35K Points
Instructor III

Q 39. Harrod-Domar model of growth is based on the concepts of and their equality

(A) population and productivity growth.
(B) investment and average growth rate of income.
(C) actual, warranted and natural growth rate
(D) productivity growth and investment growth
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 40. In dual gap model, the gap can be filled up by

(A) raising the level of saving
(B) export promotion
(C) steady rate of growth
(D) foreign aid
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