Philosophy of Kant MCQs and Notes


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 31. The distinction between the world of sense and the world of understanding was regarded as two different ___________ abilities of the human mind.

(A) cognitive
(B) speculative
(C) aesthetic
(D) doubtful


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 32. The apriori principles of understanding together with sensibility are the first principles of _________________

(A) ethics
(B) language
(C) natural science
(D) pragmatism


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 33. Without the help by sensibility, understanding cannot provide us with ______________

(A) infinity
(B) synthetic knowledge
(C) intuitions
(D) explanation


Admin • 31.08K Points
Instructor I

Q 34. The spontaneous power to think of objects through concepts is ___________

(A) understanding
(B) explanation
(C) sensibility
(D) contradiction


Priyanka Tomar • 29.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 35. Kant calls the permanence of real in time as ___________

(A) causality
(B) reference
(C) negation
(D) substance


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 36. Totality is combination of Plurality and __________

(A) infinity
(B) unity
(C) negation
(D) limitation


Rakesh Kumar • 22.47K Points
Instructor III

Q 37. In every human cognition understanding is a cognition through __________, not intuitive but discursive.

(A) logic
(B) concepts
(C) memory
(D) choice


Vinay • 22.73K Points
Instructor III

Q 38. ___________ logic of understanding contains rules for correctly thinking about certain kinds of objects.

(A) special
(B) general
(C) simple
(D) complex


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 39. Transcendental analytic is part of Transcendental ___________

(A) dialectic
(B) reflection
(C) logic
(D) truth


Shiva Ram • 24.80K Points
Instructor III

Q 40. The faculty for bringing forth representation or spontaneity of cognition is ___________

(A) appearance
(B) understanding
(C) aesthetics
(D) psychology

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