Introduction to Political Theory


Priyanka Tomar • 26.85K Points
Instructor II

Q 1. The type of equality ,which believes that all should be treated as equal partners in society is called :

(A) civil equality
(B) political equality
(C) social equality
(D) natural equality


Vijay Sangwan • 20.06K Points
Instructor III

Q 2. In most of the modern states, individual enjoy :

(A) absolute freedom
(B) freedom with reasonable restrictions
(C) no freedom
(D) none of the above


Praveen Singh • 28K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. In India the people have been given freedom of speech, because :

(A) the people are vigilant
(B) the opposition is strong and well organized
(C) impact of media
(D) it is provided in the constitution as a fundamental right


Praveen Singh • 28K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. Which one of the following statement is correct?

(A) liberty means absence of restraints
(B) liberty means power to do whatever one desire
(C) liberty means absence of oppression
(D) liberty is not total absence of restraints but the existence of socially acceptable


Vijay Sangwan • 20.06K Points
Instructor III

Q 5. The term Liberty is derived from the Latin word :

(A) liber
(B) libel
(C) lingua
(D) labour


Vijay Sangwan • 20.06K Points
Instructor III

Q 6. Who of the following said that “Rights are those conditions of social life without which no man can seek in general to be himself at his best”?

(A) marx
(B) j.s. mill
(C) rousseau
(D) laski


Gopal Sharma • 29.58K Points
Instructor II

Q 7. The most effective guarantee against infringement of right is :

(A) legislature
(B) executive
(C) public opinion
(D) judiciary


Gopal Sharma • 29.58K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. Rights have no validity without the recognition of :

(A) courts
(B) government
(C) society
(D) electorate


Ram Sharma • 189.61K Points

Q 9. Who regarded “life, liberty and property ’’ as inalienable rights of man:

(A) locke
(B) hobbes
(C) hegel
(D) marx


Shiva Ram • 22.17K Points
Instructor III

Q 10. In Modern political rights are guaranteed to :

(A) all citizens
(B) adult citizens only
(C) property owners only
(D) men only