Managerial Economics 1


Priyanka Tomar • 26.85K Points
Instructor II

Q 1. Which of the following is not a feature of monopolistic completion?

(A) Large number of producers
(B) Free entry and exit
(C) More elastic demand
(D) Price competition


Ranjeet • 26.12K Points
Instructor II

Q 2. In perfect completion, a firm is a

(A) Price maker
(B) Price taker
(C) Both of the above
(D) None of these


Gopal Sharma • 29.58K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. in economics ……..means ‘a state of rest ‘or ‘stability’

(A) Depression
(B) Equilibrium
(C) Maturity
(D) growth


Vinay • 19.91K Points
Tutor I

Q 4. Which of the following is not coming under imperfect competition?

(A) Oligopoly
(B) Duopoly
(C) Monopoly
(D) Monopolistic


Vinay • 19.91K Points
Tutor I

Q 5. Related to production function, MRTS stand for;

(A) Marginal revenue and total sales
(B) Minimum revenue from total sales
(C) Marginal rate of total supply
(D) Marginal rate of technical substitution


Shiva Ram • 22.17K Points
Instructor III

Q 6. Who classified economies of scale into internal and external?

(A) Robinson
(B) Marshall
(C) Edward west
(D) Pigue


Vinay • 19.91K Points
Tutor I

Q 7. The term “Economies” refers to

(A) Product advantage
(B) Cost advantage
(C) Sales advantage
(D) All of the above


Vikash Gupta • 25.23K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. In the long run all input become …………

(A) Fixed
(B) Variable
(C) Semi variable
(D) None of these


Gopal Sharma • 29.58K Points
Instructor II

Q 9. …………is called produced means of production

(A) Land
(B) Labour
(C) Capital
(D) Raw material


Priyanka Tomar • 26.85K Points
Instructor II

Q 10. Which of the following is a short run law?

(A) Law of constant return to scale
(B) Law of increasing return to scale
(C) Law of diminishing return
(D) None of these