Personality Development MCQs and Notes


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 171. Which love style does this example fir? "I try to keep lover a little uncertain about my commitment to him/her".

(A) pragma
(B) agape
(C) storge
(D) ludus


Shiva Ram • 24.80K Points
Instructor III

Q 172. Which one(s) is (are) myths about heredity?

(A) if the heritability of a trait is high, it shows that society has had little influence on the trait
(B) heredity means that the person will not change
(C) if a trait is inherited, it will have similar effects in the various people who inherit it.
(D) all of the above


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 173. According to Erikson?s eight stages of psychosocial development, during which age does the psychological stage of trust vs. mistrust develop?

(A) early childhood
(B) infancy
(C) adolescence
(D) adulthood


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 174. James Marcia?s 4 identity stages are:

(A) diffusion, foreclosure, achievement, longitudinal achievement
(B) diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, longitudinal achievement
(C) identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, moratorium, identity achievement
(D) identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity achievement, identity attachment


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 175. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a Protestant Work Ethic?

(A) hard work
(B) high in delay of gratification
(C) do not value leisure
(D) spend a lot of money


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 176. A mother and her infant son are being tested by Aisworth?s Strange Situation procedure. After the mother has left and comes back onto the room the child acts like he is mad at the mother. This child is said to be?

(A) secure
(B) anxious
(C) highly neurotic
(D) avoidant


Vinay • 22.73K Points
Instructor III

Q 177. Bob hasn?t missed a day of work since he started his job three years ago. Every morning he comes in with a smile on his face that remains there until he leaves. He works for a charity and it gives him great satisfaction to know that he?s helping others. He loves his job. Bob is most likely

(A) a workaholic
(B) driven by protestant work ethic
(C) burned out
(D) work enthusiast


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 178. If a young adult sees stealing as wrong because of the harm it brings to someone, which of Kolberg?s stages are they displaying?

(A) punishment and obedience orientation
(B) good boy?good girl orientation
(C) legalistic orientation
(D) social order orientation


Rakesh Kumar • 22.47K Points
Instructor III

Q 179. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Introverts?

(A) introverts have lower level of arousal than extraverts for the same stimulus.
(B) introverts can become overstimulated.
(C) introverts are more easily conditioned to emotional stimuli than those high in neuroticism.
(D) introverts are more impulsive than extraverts.

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