Agricultural and Rural Marketing MCQs and Notes


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 41. An example of a segmented market would be:

(A) Phillips marketing its product to whole of India with one marketing mix based on the concept 'Sense and Sensibility'.
(B) high-income and low-income consumers being treated the same at departmental stores
(C) a garden nursery seeing residents of urban areas and rural areas as one market needing trees.
(D) Hyundai separating its potential customers into economy car buyers and luxury car buyers.


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 42. Why is market segmentation carried out?

(A) To break down large markets into smaller markets.
(B) Provides an opportunity to surpass competitors.
(C) By grouping together customers with similar needs, it provides a commercially viable method of serving these customers.
(D) Allows the achievement of greater market share


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 43. Heterogeneity in rural lifestyles is mainly on account of the geography, varied income levels and _______________ of the consumers.

(A) occupation
(B) awareness
(C) cultural differences
(D) consumption


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 44. Industry observers are increasingly realising that at times, purchase of durables has nothing to do with income, but has more to do with ______________

(A) the opinion of the community
(B) the size of the family
(C) the availability of durables
(D) the price of durables


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 45. _____________ groupsare the groups to which a consumer belongs as a memberin which the interaction is formal and less regular.

(A) primary
(B) secondary
(C) tertiary
(D) none of the above


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 46. Status refers to

(A) the place given to the individual because of his or her position or achievements
(B) the behaviours expected of the individual as a member of the group
(C) both a&b
(D) none of the above


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 47. One of the basic cultural values in rural India is: 25

(A) decision making is individualistic
(B) decision making is collective
(C) decision making is swift
(D) none of the above


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 48. An important factor in rural marketing is ........................, as the rural market is scattered and consists of different groups and socio economic class.

(A) segmentation
(B) standardisation
(C) regulation
(D) none of the above


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 49. The objective of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is

(A) Encourage poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school
(B) Provide quality elementary education with community involvement
(C) Provide nutritional support to children
(D) None of the above


Mr. Dubey • 51.67K Points

Q 50. The objective of National Food Security Mission is:

(A) Increase production through area expansion and productivity
(B) Improve the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide
(C) Prevent and control communicable and non-communicable diseases
(D) None of the above

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