Industrial Economics MCQs


Ram Sharma • 193.80K Points

Q 11. The Lemons problem was first analysed by

(A) h leibenstein
(B) r rodan
(C) george akerlof
(D) lewis


Gopal Sharma • 34.14K Points
Instructor I

Q 12. Principal agent problem is commonly associated with which sector of the economy?

(A) private
(B) public
(C) both a and b
(D) none of these


Admin • 32.79K Points
Instructor I

Q 13. Which efficiency takes in to account all the private and external cost and benefits?

(A) allocative
(B) productive
(C) technical
(D) social


Shiva Ram • 26.36K Points
Instructor II

Q 14. Who among the following are associated with dynamic efficiency?

(A) h leibenstein
(B) r rodan
(C) joseph schumpeter
(D) lewis


Vinay • 24.44K Points
Instructor III

Q 15. Who developed the concept of X efficiency?

(A) h leibenstein
(B) r rodan
(C) nurkse
(D) lewis


Praveen Singh • 32.36K Points
Instructor I

Q 16. Which efficiency is output maximization from given inputs?

(A) allocative
(B) productive
(C) technical
(D) social


Admin • 32.79K Points
Instructor I

Q 17. Which type of efficiency combines resources with lowest average cost?

(A) allocative
(B) productive
(C) technical
(D) social


Ram Sharma • 193.80K Points

Q 18. ……….. refers to the total productivity of all inputs taken together.

(A) total factor productivity
(B) marginal product
(C) average product
(D) average revenue


Shiva Ram • 26.36K Points
Instructor II

Q 19. Which is a common method of measuring technological progress?

(A) solow residual
(B) total product
(C) average product
(D) gini coefficient


Admin • 32.79K Points
Instructor I

Q 20. Which one of the following does not come under profitability ratio?

(A) gross profit ratio
(B) net profit ratio
(C) current ratio
(D) return on equity

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