Industrial Economics MCQs


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 41. Whose index of monopoly power is given as p – mc/p?

(A) lerner’s index
(B) paasche’s index
(C) fisher’s index
(D) herfindahl index


Ram Sharma • 193.72K Points

Q 42. Less elastic the demand for monopolist’s product, the degree of monopoly power would be …….,

(A) more
(B) less
(C) same
(D) zero


Vinay • 24.37K Points
Instructor III

Q 43. Which indicator is the sum of square of ratio of firm size to industry size?

(A) laspeyers index
(B) paasches index
(C) fishers index
(D) herfindahl index


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. Most commonly used indicator of concentration is

(A) gini coefficient
(B) coefficient of variation
(C) standard deviation
(D) quartile deviation


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 45. What is referred to the degree of concentration within the industry?

(A) market structure
(B) market paradigm
(C) market concentration
(D) monopoly power


Priyanka Tomar • 31.13K Points
Instructor I

Q 46. Who were the pioneers in the field of SCPP (Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm)?

(A) mason and j s bain
(B) lucas and arrow
(C) friedman and barro
(D) smith and mill

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