Philosophy of Language MCQs


Ranjeet • 30.31K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. The work of Frege and Tarski
showed how languages
methods could be applied to natural

(A) informal
(B) intuitive
(C) formal
(D) compositional


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 22. Davidson wants to propose a formal theory for natural language

(A) syntactic
(B) semantic
(C) symbolic
(D) intuition


Ram Sharma • 193.72K Points

Q 23. According to Davidson theory of meaning is an empirical theory, it should account for the working of language

(A) artificial
(B) logical
(C) natural
(D) simplified


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 24. The central task of is to provide semantic interpretation to every sentence in a
language, according to Davidson nowhere in linguistic literature is given how to accomplish
this task

(A) semantics
(B) syntax
(C) logic
(D) symbolism


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. When the dictionary giving the syntactic atom is added it will yield

(A) error
(B) semantics
(C) definition
(D) rule


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 26. Frege classified predicates as special case of expressions and sentences as complex singular term.

(A) functional
(B) outward
(C) joint
(D) divided


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 27. According to Quine, what is lacking in logical grammer is a list of

(A) subjects
(B) predicates
(C) errors
(D) analysis


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 28. An sentence is neither true or false

(A) closed
(B) free
(C) open
(D) combined


Priyanka Tomar • 31.13K Points
Instructor I

Q 29. One of the grammatical construction is a predicate with a variable

(A) analysing
(B) negating
(C) joining
(D) avoiding


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 30. According to Quine, It is through of construction that infinite category of variables is generated.

(A) iteration
(B) subtraction
(C) reduction
(D) decrease

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