Indian Constitution - Institutions and Processes MCQs


Vinay • 19K Points
Tutor I

Q 31. On the death of the President the Vice President Succeeds him as President for

(A) the un-expired term
(B) a maximum period of six months.
(C) a maximum period of one year.
(D) maximum period of three years.
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Ranjeet • 25.13K Points
Instructor II

Q 32. With regard to the re-election of the Vice- President:

(A) the constitution is absolutely silent .
(B) the constitution places a clear ban.
(C) the constitution permits re-election only once.
(D) the constitution permits maximum of three terms.
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 33. The Vice-President of India holds office:

(A) during the pleasure of the president .
(B) for a term of four years.
(C) for a term of five years.
(D) for a term which is decided at the time of his appointment by the parliament.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 34. Which one of the following qualifications for the office of the Vice –President of India has been wrongly listed?

(A) he must be citizen of india.
(B) he must have completed the age of thirty five years.
(C) he must be a member of rajyasabha.
(D) he must not hold any office of profit under the government of india or the
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Ram Sharma • 188.81K Points

Q 35. The Vice – President of India is elected :

(A) by the people.
(B) elected by the members of state legislative assemblies.
(C) elected by the members of rajya sabha.
(D) elected by the members of the two houses of parliament at a joint sitting .
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Ranjeet • 25.13K Points
Instructor II

Q 36. Which one of the following categories of emergency has not been declared so far?

(A) national emergency.
(B) emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery.
(C) financial emergency.
(D) none of the above .
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 37. Which one of the following category of emergency has been declared maximum number of times?

(A) national emergency.
(B) emergency due to breakdown of constitutional machinery of states.
(C) financial emergency.
(D) all the three equal number of times.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 38. With the approval of Parliament the National Emergency can continue for:

(A) a maximum period of three years
(B) a maximum period of one year
(C) an indefinite period.
(D) a maximum period of one year.
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 39. A proclamation of emergency must be placed before the Parliament for its approval:

(A) within one month.
(B) within two months.
(C) within six months.
(D) within one year.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 40. Which one of the following types of emergency can be declared by the President?

(A) emergency due to threat of war, external aggression or internal disturbances.
(B) emergency due to break-down of constitution machinery in a state .
(C) financial emergency on account of threat to the financial credit of india.
(D) all the three emergencies.
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