Computer Architecture MCQs


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 11. An effective to introduce parallelism in memory access is by

(A) memory interleaving
(B) tlb
(C) pages
(D) frames


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 12. The memory transfers between two variable speed devices are always done at the speed of the faster device.

(A) true
(B) false
(C) ---
(D) ---


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 13. The main purpose of having memory hierarchy is to

(A) reduce access time
(B) provide large capacity
(C) reduce propagation time
(D) reduce access time & provide large capacity


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 14. The performance depends on

(A) the speed of execution only
(B) the speed of fetch and execution
(C) the speed of fetch only
(D) the hardware of the system only


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 15. A common measure of performance is

(A) price/performance ratio
(B) performance/price ratio
(C) operation/price ratio
(D) none of the mentioned


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 16. The key factor/s in commercial success of a computer is/are

(A) performance
(B) cost
(C) speed
(D) both performance and cost


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 17. The counter that keeps track of how many times a block is most likely used is

(A) count
(B) reference counter
(C) use counter
(D) probable counter


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 18. The LRU can be improved by providing a little randomness in the access.

(A) true
(B) false
(C) ---
(D) ---


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 19. The algorithm which removes the recently used page first is

(A) lru
(B) mru
(C) ofm
(D) none of the mentioned


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 20. The algorithm which replaces the block which has not been referenced for a while is called

(A) lru
(B) orf
(C) direct
(D) both lru and orf

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