Computer Architecture MCQs


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 31. ________ is used to deal with the difference in the transfer rates between the drive and the bus.

(A) data repeaters
(B) enhancers
(C) data buffers
(D) none of the mentioned


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 32. The disk drive is connected to the system by using the

(A) pci bus
(B) scsi bus
(C) hdmi
(D) isa


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 33. The access time is composed of

(A) seek time
(B) rotational delay
(C) latency
(D) both seek time and rotational delay


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 34. The ______ process divides the disk into sectors and tracks.

(A) creation
(B) initiation
(C) formatting
(D) modification


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 35. To distinguish between two sectors we make use of 

(A) inter sector gap
(B) splitting bit
(C) numbering bit
(D) none of the mentioned


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 36. The read and write operations usually start at _______ of the sector.

(A) center
(B) middle
(C) from the last used point
(D) boundaries


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 37. The data can be accessed from the disk using

(A) surface number
(B) sector number
(C) track number
(D) all of the mentioned


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 38. The set of corresponding tracks on all surfaces of a stack of disks form a

(A) cluster
(B) cylinder
(C) group
(D) set


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 39. A hard disk with 20 surfaces will have ______ heads.

(A) 10
(B) 5
(C) 1
(D) 20


Indresh Gehalot • 9.98K Points
Tutor III

Q 40. The method of placing the heads and the discs in an air tight environment is also called as

(A) raid arrays
(B) atp tech
(C) winchester technology
(D) fleming reduction

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