Cases in Marketing MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 1. To identify the background, learning characteristics, and prerequisite skills of the audience we need to carry out _______________________.

(A) task analysis.
(B) media analysis.
(C) situational analysis.
(D) audience analysis.
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 2. Advertising used to communicate an organisations views on issues that affect society or business is known as

(A) advocacy advertising
(B) institutional advertising
(C) purposeful advertising
(D) emotional advertising
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. A printed information form listing a publications advertising rates is known as

(A) info card
(B) rate card
(C) ad card
(D) premium card
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Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 4. SWOT is an acronym for .

(A) strengths, weaknesses, opinion and threats
(B) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
(C) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and thrust. .
(D) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and trust
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 5. Many advertising experts call the creative brief as the _____________________

(A) road map
(B) blue print
(C) out line
(D) key praise
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Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 6. Majority of the ads appearing online are

(A) banner advertisements.
(B) pop- up advertising.
(C) display advertising
(D) corner ads
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 7. Brand names that other companies can buy the right to use is known as

(A) brand image
(B) licensed brands
(C) brand identity.
(D) brand positioning
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Ranjeet • 25.13K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. An series of messages that divide a single idea and theme which make up an integrated marketing communication (IMC) is known as

(A) advertising campaign
(B) advertising research.
(C) clutter
(D) product placement.
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 9. ____________________ use many kinds of headlines and copy styles, using various appeals keeping in view the product attributes and consumer profile.

(A) illustrators
(B) copy writers
(C) artists
(D) animators
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 10. The primary levels of human needs is given by

(A) herzberg
(B) freud
(C) abraham maslow
(D) richard petty
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