Cost and Management Accounting (CMA) MCQs


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 41. What type of budget is designed to take into account forecast change in costs, prices, etc?

(A) Master budget.
(B) Rolling budget.
(C) Flexible budget .
(D) Functional budget.


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 42. Preparing budget figures for different levels of activity within a range under flexible budgeting is .

(A) Formula method.
(B) Multi-activity method.
(C) Budget cost allowance method.
(D) Proportionate method.


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 43. The fixed-variable cost classification has `a special significance in the preparation of .

(A) Capital budget.
(B) Cash budget.
(C) Master budget .
(D) Flexible budget .


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. Which of the following is usually a long-term budget?.

(A) .Fixed budget.
(B) Cash budget.
(C) Sales budget
(D) Capital expenditure budget.


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 45. The budget which usually takes the form of budgeted profit and loss account and balance sheet is known as

(A) Flexible budget .
(B) Master budget.
(C) Cash budget .
(D) Purchase budget.


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 46. Sales budget is a .

(A) Functional budget.
(B) Expenditure budget.
(C) Master budget .
(D) Flexible budget.


Ranjeet • 28.94K Points
Instructor II

Q 47. One of the most important tools of cost planning is .

(A) budget.
(B) direct cost.
(C) unit cost.
(D) cost sheet.


Ranjeet • 28.94K Points
Instructor II

Q 48. The budget is a .

(A) a post-mortem analysis .
(B) a substitute of management
(C) an aid to management
(D) calculation .


Gopal Sharma • 32.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 49. Under marginal costing stock are valued at .

(A) fixed cost.
(B) semi-variable cost.
(C) variable cost.
(D) market price.


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. Absorption costing is also known as .

(A) historical costing.
(B) real costing.
(C) marginal costing.
(D) real costing .

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