Disaster Management MCQs


Praveen Singh • 32.36K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. The terrorist attack in Mumbai took place on

(A) 2005
(B) 2006
(C) 2007
(D) 2008


Vinay • 24.44K Points
Instructor III

Q 22. Ultimate consequences of war are

(A) Decline in human population
(B) Outbreak of diseases and epidemics
(C) Rise in refugees
(D) All of the above


Rakesh Kumar • 24.27K Points
Instructor III

Q 23. Name the earthquake vulnerable building/s identified by Govt of Tripura

(A) MBB College
(B) Ujjayanta palace
(C) Neer mahal
(D) All of he above


Rakesh Kumar • 24.27K Points
Instructor III

Q 24. Percentage of drought prone area in the India is

(A) 8%
(B) 30%
(C) 15%
(D) None of the above


Ranjeet • 30.37K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. The highest volcanic mountain in the world is

(A) Mauna Lao
(B) Cotopaxi
(C) Vesuvius
(D) None of the above


Praveen Singh • 32.36K Points
Instructor I

Q 26. Which of the following is a non-precipitation food?

(A) Coastal flood
(B) Cloud burst flood
(C) Flash flood
(D) None of the above


Ram Sharma • 193.80K Points

Q 27. Which is the only active volcano in India?

(A) Volcano Popa
(B) Volcano of Barren Island
(C) Volcano Etna
(D) None of the above


Ram Sharma • 193.80K Points

Q 28. What is Lahars ?

(A) Magma
(B) Lava
(C) Volcanic mud flow
(D) None of the above


Vinay • 24.44K Points
Instructor III

Q 29. During volcanic eruption , the extreme risk zone is within a distance

(A) Upto 100 mtrs
(B) 100-300 mtrs
(C) 300mtrs- 3 km
(D) None of the above


Shiva Ram • 26.36K Points
Instructor II

Q 30. Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) calls a storm ‘Super cyclone” when the wind blows

(A) More than 120 km /hour
(B) More than 100km/hour
(C) More than 220km/ hour
(D) None of the above

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