Emerging Trends in Management MCQs


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 41. The process improvement technique that sorts the "vital few" from the "trivial many" is

(A) taguchi analysis
(B) pareto analysis
(C) benchmarking
(D) yamaguchi analysis


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 42. Pareto charts are used to

(A) identify inspection points in a process
(B) organize errors, problems or defects
(C) outline production schedules
(D) show an assembly sequence


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 43. Pareto charts are used to

(A) identify inspection points in a process
(B) outline production schedules
(C) organize errors, problems or defects
(D) show material flow


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 44. Costs of dissatisfaction, repair costs, and warranty costs are elements of cost in the

(A) taguchi loss function
(B) pareto chart
(C) iso 9000 quality cost calculator
(D) process chart


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. Based on his 14 Points, Deming is a strong proponent of

(A) inspection at the end of the production process
(B) an increase in numerical quotas to boost productivity
(C) looking for the cheapest supplier
(D) training and knowledge


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 46. Total Quality Management emphasizes

(A) the responsibility of the quality control staff to identify and solve all quality-related problems
(B) a commitment to quality that goes beyond internal company issues to suppliers and customers
(C) a system where strong managers are the only decision makers
(D) a process where mostly statisticians get involved


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 47. Which of the following is true about ISO 14000 certification?

(A) it is a prerequisite for iso 9000 certification
(B) it indicates a higher level of adherence to standards than iso 9000
(C) it is only sought by companies exporting their goods
(D) it deals with environmental management


Shiva Ram • 26.21K Points
Instructor II

Q 48. ISO 9000 seeks standardization in terms of

(A) products
(B) production procedures
(C) suppliers' specifications
(D) procedures to manage quality


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 49. Inspection, scrap, and repair are examples of

(A) internal costs
(B) external costs
(C) costs of dissatisfaction
(D) societal costs


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. According to the manufacturing-based definition of quality,

(A) quality is the degree of excellence at an acceptable price and the control of variability at an acceptable cost
(B) quality depends on how well the product fits patterns of consumer preferences
(C) even though quality cannot be defined, you know what it is
(D) quality is the degree to which a specific product conforms to standards

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