Enterprise Resource Planning and Management MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 41. An ERP implementation involves ______________________ changes.

(A) process.
(B) technological.
(C) cultural.
(D) both technological and cultural.


Gopal Sharma • 34K Points
Instructor I

Q 42. Which process makes the decision makers to get accurate information, in which format they want?

(A) decision making.
(B) planning.
(C) design.
(D) testing.


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. Once the ERP system is implemented the current ______________ will be replaced by new ones.

(A) process.
(B) procedures.
(C) techniques.
(D) process and procedures.


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 44. Users with heavy data analysis needs should include the cost of _________ in the ERP budget.

(A) software.
(B) analysis tool.
(C) data warehouse.
(D) hardware.


Ram Sharma • 193.72K Points

Q 45. In legacy system, most of the data are__________________________.

(A) exact data.
(B) approximate data.
(C) redundant.
(D) derived data.


Vinay • 24.37K Points
Instructor III

Q 46. When testing ERP system, _____________ is recommended.

(A) using dummy data.
(B) using sample value.
(C) using approximate value.
(D) running a real purchase order.


Gopal Sharma • 34K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. Testing the links between ERP packages and other corporate software links that
have to be building on a
______________ basis.

(A) sample.
(B) case-to-case.
(C) random.
(D) time.


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 48. A successful training will account for a minimum of ______of the total project cost.

(A) 10-15%.
(B) 10-20%.
(C) 5-10%.
(D) 5-15%


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 49. In ERP system ______ is important.

(A) upgrading techniques.
(B) modification.
(C) maintenance.
(D) evaluation.


Praveen Singh • 32.26K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. For training the employees will be divided into groups based on their_____________.

(A) qualification. .
(B) department.
(C) computer knowledge.
(D) current skill levels

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