Financial Services MCQs


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. An average lease agreement involves.............

(A) Two parties
(B) Three parties
(C) Four parties
(D) None of these


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 22. Who can claim investment allowance in relation to leased asset?

(A) Lessee
(B) Lessor
(C) Lender
(D) Both lessor and lessee in 50:50 ratio


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 23. Leased asset is shown in the balance sheet of..................

(A) Lessee
(B) Lessor
(C) Lender
(D) Both lessor and lessee in 50:50 ratio


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. The entire lease rental is treated as........ in the books of lessor

(A) Expense
(B) Income
(C) Receivable
(D) Capital


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. ............ lease is for a limited period

(A) Financial lease
(B) Operating lease
(C) Leverage lease
(D) Swap lease


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 26. Equipment lease transaction is treated as contract of............

(A) Bailment
(B) Pledge
(C) Guarantee
(D) Agency


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 27. Which of the following is tripartite system?

(A) Financial lease
(B) Operating lease
(C) Leverage lease
(D) Swap lease


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 28. Which of the following is not related to securitisation process?

(A) Special purpose vehicle
(B) Credit rating agency
(C) Credit enhancer
(D) None of these.


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 29. Which of the following is / are not securitisable asset/debt?

(A) Credit card receivable
(B) Bills receivable
(C) Mortgage loan
(D) All the above


Vinay • 23.18K Points
Instructor III

Q 30. Which of the following is / are securitisable asset/debt?

(A) Hire purchase receivable
(B) Receivable from Govt.
(C) Term loan to financial reputed company
(D) All the above

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