Global Business Environment MCQs


Vikash Gupta • 28.17K Points
Instructor II

Q 141. ____________ is environment covers those factors which give shape and form to the dept. of economic activities.

(A) Technological
(B) Demographic
(C) Social and cultural
(D) Economic


Ranjeet • 28.94K Points
Instructor II

Q 142. Remote environment is an another name of __________

(A) Micro environment
(B) Macro environment
(C) Internal environment
(D) External environment


Vikash Gupta • 28.17K Points
Instructor II

Q 143. Macro environment is also known as __________

(A) Outside environment
(B) Indirect environment
(C) General environment
(D) Social environment


Vinay • 23.18K Points
Instructor III

Q 144. ___________ Consists of the actors in the company's immediate environment that affect the performance of the company.

(A) Macro environment
(B) Micro environment
(C) Internal environment
(D) External environment


Gopal Sharma • 32.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 145. ___________ play a vital role in running the business enterprise.

(A) Customers
(B) Labour
(C) Product
(D) Competitors


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 146. There are two sets of factors which influence the business of an enterprise is ____________

(A) Internal and External
(B) Micro and Macro
(C) Political and Legal
(D) Social, Cultural & Technological


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 147. _______________ is the product of environment.

(A) Opportunity
(B) Threads
(C) Business
(D) Factors


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 148. Environment is a __________ process

(A) Dynamic
(B) Complex
(C) interactive
(D) All of the above


Vinay • 23.18K Points
Instructor III

Q 149. Environment is always changing constraining and ____________

(A) Competing
(B) Uncertain
(C) dynamic
(D) Specific


Ranjeet • 28.94K Points
Instructor II

Q 150. ___________ is consists of the totality of all factors with in or outside the control of individual business firms.

(A) Business
(B) Environment
(C) Business environment
(D) organisation

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