Historical Perspective of Management MCQs


Mohini Yadav • 27.60K Points
Instructor II

Q 1. A matrix structure violates which key element of organizational design?

(A) Unity of command
(B) Chain of command
(C) Span of management
(D) Decentralization
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 2. When an organization assigns specialists to groups according to the projects they are working on, it’s termed as:

(A) Divisional structure
(B) Functional structure
(C) Product structure
(D) Matrix structure
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. Quality management is driven by a focus on:

(A) workplace diversity
(B) workplace spirituality
(C) continual improvement
(D) knowledge management
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. Who were two of the pioneers in the area of Total Quality Management?

(A) Fayol; Weber
(B) Taylor; Gilbreth
(C) Owen; Munsterberg
(D) Deming; Juran
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Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 5. Which of the following types of systems does not interact with its environment?

(A) fluid
(B) diagrammatic
(C) closed
(D) resource-driven
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Vinay • 19K Points
Tutor I

Q 6. A system can best be defined as a(n):

(A) grouping of separate and independent parts
(B) set of interrelated and interdependent parts
(C) ordering of distinct and unrelated parts
(D) set of connected but non-functional parts
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 7. Which scientist is most closely associated with the Hawthorne Studies?

(A) Adams
(B) Mayo
(C) Lawler
(D) Barnard
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Mohini Yadav • 27.60K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. The Hawthorne Studies were initially devised to study:

(A) Productivity levels of groups versus individuals
(B) The effect of noise on employee productivity
(C) The effect of illumination levels on employee productivity
(D) Impact of cooperative versus competitive organisational environments on productivity
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Ram Sharma • 188.81K Points

Q 9. Without question, the most important contribution to the developing field of organizational behaviour came out of :

(A) Taylor Studies
(B) Porter Studies
(C) Parker Studies
(D) Hawthorne Studies
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 10. Which four theorists are associated with the early organizational behaviour approach?

(A) Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen
(B) Munsterberg, Taylor, Fayol, and Follett
(C) Taylor, Fayol, Weber, and Barnard
(D) Follett, Barnard, Munsterberg, and Weber
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