Human Resource management and Organizational behavior MCQs


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 11. _____________ explains how and why people react when they feel unfairly treated

(A) equity theory
(B) expectancy theory
(C) goal attain theory
(D) goal setting theory


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 12. The 3 Theoretical Framework of OB are

(A) cognitive, social and technical
(B) cognitive, behaviouristic, social
(C) leadership, attribution, motivation
(D) attribution, perception and motivation


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 13. The most significant management skills are

(A) technical, human and conceptual
(B) technical, behavioural and conceptual
(C) systematic, human and conceptual
(D) technical, human and cognitive


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 14. ___________________ is recognised as father of “Human relations”

(A) william gilbreth
(B) hendry fayol
(C) f.w.taylor
(D) elton mayo


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 15. The book “The Psychology of management” was published by

(A) william gilbreth
(B) hendry fayol
(C) f.w.taylor
(D) robert owen


Shiva Ram • 26.21K Points
Instructor II

Q 16. ______________________ is called as father of scientific management

(A) elton mayo
(B) hendry fayol
(C) f.w.taylor
(D) robert owen


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 17. A manager with good ________________________ can make the work place more pleasant

(A) communication
(B) knowledge
(C) experience
(D) interpersonal skills


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 18. _______________ and fringe benefits are no longer employees first priority

(A) wages
(B) bonus
(C) rewards
(D) promotions


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 19. Scientist of OB recognize that organisations are not static but dynamic and _____________

(A) processing
(B) systematic
(C) ever changing
(D) researching


Vinay • 24.32K Points
Instructor III

Q 20. Job Satisfaction have ________________ related to Absenteeism and Turnover

(A) positively
(B) negatively
(C) directly
(D) elastically

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