Human Resource management and Organizational behavior MCQs


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 41. Policies are sometimes defined as a(n)

(A) shortcut for thinking
(B) action plan
(C) substitute for strategy
(D) substitute for management authority


Rakesh Kumar • 24.11K Points
Instructor III

Q 42. Individuals such as Albert Einstein, Edwin Land and Steven Jobs lead through which type of power?

(A) legitimate
(B) reward
(C) expert
(D) charismatic


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. A major problem with a task force type of management is

(A) there is no logical basis for task force information
(B) its status is too inflexible
(C) accountability
(D) lack of planning


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 44. Strategic planning as a broad concept consists of

(A) corporate strategy and business strategy
(B) strategy formulation and strategy implementation
(C) inputs and outputs
(D) environmental analysis and internal analysis


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. The purpose of job enrichment is to

(A) expand the number of tasks an individual can do
(B) increase job efficiency
(C) increase job effectiveness
(D) increase job satisfaction of middle management


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 46. Organization structure primarily refers to

(A) how activities are coordinated & controlled
(B) how resources are allocated
(C) the location of departments and office space
(D) the policy statements developed by the firm


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. . Who propounded Task and Bonus System?

(A) henry gantt
(B) karl marx
(C) francis a. walker
(D) taylor


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 48. According to the Committee of Fair Wages ___________ is the highest level of wage.

(A) minimum wage
(B) living wage,
(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) none of these


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 49. Wages come under ____________.

(A) direct compensation
(B) indirect compensation
(C) both (a) and (b)
(D) none of these


Vinay • 24.32K Points
Instructor III

Q 50. . Which represent the lower limit of fair wages?

(A) minimum wage
(B) living wage
(C) fair wage
(D) none of these

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