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Indian Economy MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 571. The Planning Commission is : [UP PCS 1994]

(A) a Ministry
(B) a Government department
(C) an Advisory body
(D) an Autonomous Corporation
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 572. The Five Year Plans of India intend to develop the country industrially through: [NDA 1991]

(A) the public sector
(B) the private sector
(C) the public, private, joint and Cooperative sectors
(D) increasing collaboration with non-resident Indians
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Ranjeet • 25.13K Points
Instructor II

Q 573. The National Development Council gets its administrative support from:

(A) Planning Commission
(B) Finance Commission
(C) Administrative Reforms Commission
(D) Sarkaria Commission
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Admin • 27.81K Points
Instructor II

Q 574. For internal financing of Five Year Plans, the government depends on: [NDA 1991]

(A) taxation only
(B) taxation and public borrowing
(C) public borrowing and deficit financing
(D) taxation, public borrowing and deficit financing
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 575. Economic Planning is a subject: [Asstt Grade 1991]

(A) in the Union List
(B) in the State List
(C) in the Concurrent List
(D) unspecified in any special list
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