Industrial Relation and Labour Law MCQs


Gopal Sharma • 34.14K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. Bain and Clegg (1974) argue that industrial relations are concerned with:

(A) the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship in unionised firms, regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
(B) the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship in nonunionised firms, regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
(C) the making and administering of rules that regulate the employment relationship regardless of whether these are seen as formal or informal, structured or unstructured
(D) none of the above


Shiva Ram • 26.36K Points
Instructor II

Q 22. Who has coined the term Industrial Democracy?

(A) Karl Marx
(B) Sydney and Beatrice Webbs
(C) Peter F. Drucker
(D) John Dunlop


Praveen Singh • 32.36K Points
Instructor I

Q 23. Who has given the systems Theory of Industrial Relation?

(A) Elton Mayo
(B) Karl Marx
(C) John Dunlop
(D) Roethilsberger


Ranjeet • 30.37K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. Broad-based efforts at automating mechanical processes and systems began in the:

(A) 1950s
(B) 1960s
(C) 1970s
(D) 1980s


Ranjeet • 30.37K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. Variance control, boundary location, work group organization, management support, design process, and quality of work life are components:

(A) Social pathological theory
(B) Sociotechnical system theory
(C) Polarization of work theory
(D) Quality of work theory


Ranjeet • 30.37K Points
Instructor I

Q 26. The feeling workers have when they are not able to control the work environment is:

(A) Meaninglessness
(B) Normlessness
(C) Mindlessness
(D) Powerlessness


Vijay Sangwan • 24.22K Points
Instructor III

Q 27. According to the text, quality of work life is defined in terms of:

(A) employee perceptions of their well-being at work.
(B) the level of productivity achieved by employees.
(C) objective indices of employee well-being at work.
(D) the degree to which an organization adopts Japanese managerial principles.


Priyanka Tomar • 31.25K Points
Instructor I

Q 28. There is a substantial and growing body of research evidence showing a strong connection between how firms _____ and the economic results they achieve.

(A) select board members
(B) educate their management staff
(C) manage their people
(D) diversify their product line


Admin • 32.79K Points
Instructor I

Q 29. Which of the following is a retention responsibility of the line management?

(A) Compensation and benefits
(B) Performance feedback to subordinates
(C) Management and organizational development
(D) Face-to-face resolution of conflict


Shiva Ram • 26.36K Points
Instructor II

Q 30. The challenge, opportunity, and also the frustration of creating and managing organizations frequently stem from the _____ problems that arise within them.

(A) people-related
(B) union
(C) legal
(D) upper management

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