Industrial Relations MCQs


Shiva Ram • 26.21K Points
Instructor II

Q 241. In India, the regulation of employment and conditions of employment are governed by

(A) the trade unions act, 1926
(B) the industrial disputes act, 1947
(C) the factories act, 1948
(D) the workmens compensation act, 1923


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 242. Corrective action should be immediate, impartial and consistent with a warning- this is called the

(A) common disciplinary rule
(B) red hot stove rule
(C) ciscos disciplinary rule
(D) yellow hot stove rule


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 243. ___ is employee self control which prompts him to willingly cooperate with the organizational standards, rules, objectives etc

(A) culture
(B) behavior
(C) discipline
(D) trust


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 244. The method of smoothing out differences to resolve a conflict between two parties in view of larger interests is

(A) avoidance
(B) accommodation
(C) arbitration
(D) mediation


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 245. The first stage in grievance redressal is handled by the

(A) organizational head
(B) hr department
(C) arbitrator
(D) supervisor


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 246. _______ is a continuous association of wage earners for the purpose of protecting and advancing the conditions of their working lives

(A) management
(B) trade union
(C) quality circle
(D) productivity circle


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 247. One of the major reasons for line staff conflict is

(A) empathy towards the limitations of each other
(B) complete understanding of the business by the staff function
(C) prejudice and bias against each other
(D) strategic orientation of the staff function


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 248. ________ can be defined as the relationship between the management and employees of an industry

(A) interpersonal relations
(B) industrial relations
(C) organizational relations
(D) employment relations

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