Industrial Relations MCQs


Vinay • 23.18K Points
Instructor III

Q 41. Registration and conciliation of trade union is governed by

(A) Trade unions Act, 1926
(B) The Industrial Disputes Act,1948
(C) The factories Act, 1948
(D) None of the above


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 42. The center of Indian Trade Union (CITU) was organized in

(A) 1970
(B) 1980
(C) 1948
(D) 1990


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 43. If the workers of different categories form into a union that union is called

(A) Industrial union
(B) General union
(C) Craft union
(D) None of these


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 44. Which section empowers the appropriate government to appoint a person to be registrar of trade unions

(A) Section3
(B) Section 4
(C) Section5
(D) Section9


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. Business and uplift union are types of

(A) Revolutionary unions
(B) Reformist unions
(C) Political unions
(D) None of these


Ram Sharma • 192.55K Points

Q 46. Which of the following is not a reason for joining trade unions

(A) Great bargaining power
(B) Minimize discrimination
(C) Good contact with politicians
(D) Platform for self expression


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. Which of the following are the main causes of indiscipline

(A) Wage differentials
(B) Unreasonable work assignment
(C) Nonpayment of bonus
(D) Any of the above


Ranjeet • 28.94K Points
Instructor II

Q 48. At present there are ___ central trade union organization in India

(A) 12
(B) 13
(C) 14
(D) 15


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 49. Negotiations and collective bargaining are the tools for _________ to accomplish the objectives

(A) NGO’s
(B) Social organization
(C) Government
(D) Trade union


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 50. The day to day operations of All India Trade Union Congress are carried out by the _____________ at the National and state levels

(A) Secretariat
(B) Department
(C) Cabinet
(D) None of these

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