Information System Management MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 11. A person machine-systems and a highly integrated grouping of information-processing functions designed to provide management with a comprehensive picture of specific operation is called

(D) All of the above


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 12. Deciding where to locate new production facilities is a(n) example of a manufacturing and production information system operating at:

(A) operational level
(B) management level
(C) knowledge level
(D) strategic level


Ram Sharma • 193.72K Points

Q 13. Identifying customers and markets using data on demographics, markets, consumer behavior, and trends is an example of a(n):

(A) operational-level sales and marketing information system.
(B) knowledge-level sales and marketing information system
(C) management-level sales and marketing information system
(D) strategic-level sales and marketing information system


Gopal Sharma • 34K Points
Instructor I

Q 14. Decision support systems usually:

(A) serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day activities
(B) help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.
(C) provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems.
(D) perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of business


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 15. Management information systems usually:

(A) Serve managers interested in weekly, monthly, and yearly results, not day-to-day activities.
(B) help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance.
(C) provide managers with a generalized computing and telecommunications capacity that can be applied to a changing array of problems
(D) perform and record the daily routine transactions necessary to the conduct of business.


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 16. Projections and responses to queries are information output characteristics associated with a(n):



Ranjeet • 30.31K Points
Instructor I

Q 17. Information systems that monitor the elementary activities and transactions of the organizations are:

(A) management-level systems
(B) operational-level systems
(C) knowledge-level systems
(D) strategic-level systems


Vikash Gupta • 29.28K Points
Instructor II

Q 18. A human order taker can be bypassed when using a(n) _____________ .

(A) Office automation system
(B) Management information system
(C) Transaction processing system
(D) Decision support system


Ranjeet • 30.31K Points
Instructor I

Q 19. Nonroutine cognitive skills include:

(A) communication.
(B) problem-solving.
(C) abstract reasoning.
(D) collaboration.


Vinay • 24.37K Points
Instructor III

Q 20. A computer security protocol for logging in would be an example of the _ ___________ component of an information system.

(A) software
(B) hardware
(C) data
(D) procedure

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