Information System Management MCQs


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 41. Functional information subsystems can be classified into

(A) communication process wherein information is recorded, stored, processed and retrieved for managerial decision-making
(B) communication process wherein data is recorded, stored, processed and retrieved for managerial decision-making
(C) communication process wherein data is converted into information
(D) all of the above


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 42. The manager, in using the systems approach, should subdivide the firm into subsystems based on

(A) functional areas-marketing, finance, and manufacturing
(B) management levels-strategic, tactical, and operational
(C) resource flows-manpower, money, machines, and material
(D) any of the above represent acceptable subsystem divisions.


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 43. Benefits from a computerised MIS include:

(A) higher returns on short-term investments
(B) less frequent and smaller short-term loans
(C) lower rates of interest
(D) all of the above


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. An econometric model requires

(A) A computer with large auxiliary storage capacity
(B) A data base of economic data
(C) A model base of quantitative analysis programs
(D) All of the above


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 45. Computing systems can provide strategic information by

(A) Making decision analysis possible
(B) providing corporate models for long-range planning
(C) Causing managers to think
(D) All of the above


Rakesh Kumar • 24.11K Points
Instructor III

Q 46. The focus on defining the activities associated with the system is a __________ methodology.

(A) data centered
(B) life cycle
(C) object-oriented
(D) process centered


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 47. Report that trace the entry of and changes to critical data values are called _________ and are essential in every system

(A) Risk
(B) audit trails
(C) undo transactions


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 48. The ____________ design of an information system is a plan for the actual implementation of the system.

(A) physical
(B) logical
(C) vertical
(D) horizontal


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 49. Suppose a project has many hazards that could easily injure one or more persons and there is no method of avoiding the potential for damages. The project manager should consider __________ as a means of deflecting the risk.

(A) abandoning the project
(B) buying insurance for personal bodily injury
(C) establishing a contingency fund
(D) establishing a management reserve


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. Risk mitigation involves all but which of the following:

(A) Developing system standards (policies, procedures, responsibility standards)
(B) Obtaining insurance against loss
(C) Identification of project risks
(D) Performing contingent planning

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