IT in Management MCQs


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 11. What was the expected feature of fifth generation computers when Japan started FGCS?

(A) operating systems
(B) paralled processing
(C) ulsi
(D) none of above


Admin • 31.08K Points
Instructor I

Q 12. What is the date when Babbage conceived Analytical engine

(A) 1642
(B) 1837
(C) 1880
(D) 1850


Shiva Ram • 24.80K Points
Instructor III

Q 13. Modern Computers are very reliable but they are not

(A) fast
(B) powerful
(C) infallible
(D) cheap


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 14. A byte consists of

(A) one bit
(B) four bits
(C) eight bits
(D) sixteen bits


Priyanka Tomar • 29.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 15. Machine language is

(A) machine dependent
(B) difficult to program
(C) error prone
(D) all of above


Shiva Ram • 24.80K Points
Instructor III

Q 16. What is a brand?

(A) the name of companies that made computers
(B) the name of product a company gives to identify its product in market
(C) a name of class to indicate all similar products from different companies
(D) all of above


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 17. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as

(A) accuracy
(B) reliability
(C) versatility
(D) automatic


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 18. Which of the following is the first computer to use Stored Program Concept?

(A) univac
(B) eniac
(C) edsac
(D) none of above


Admin • 31.08K Points
Instructor I

Q 19. What is required when more than one person uses a central computer at the same time?

(A) light pen
(B) mouse
(C) digitizer
(D) terminal


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 20. A compiler is a translating program which

(A) translates instruction of a high level language into machine language
(B) translates entire source program into machine language program
(C) it is not involved in program’s execution
(D) all of above

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