IT in Management MCQs


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 21. Which of the following statement is valid?

(A) lady augusta is the first programmer
(B) ada is the daughter of lord byron, a famous english poet
(C) ada is a programming language developed by us defense
(D) all of above


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 22. When was Pascaline invented?

(A) 1617
(B) 1620
(C) 1642
(D) 1837


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 23. Which statement is valid about computer program?

(A) it is understood by a computer
(B) it is understood by programmer
(C) it is understood user
(D) both a & b


Priyanka Tomar • 29.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 24. Algorithm and Flow chart help us to

(A) know the memory capacity
(B) identify the base of a number system
(C) direct the output to a printer
(D) specify the problem completely and clearly


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. Nepal brought a computer for census of 2028 BS. This computer was of

(A) first generation
(B) second generation
(C) third generation
(D) fourth generation


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 26. The word processing task associated with changing the appearance of a document is

(A) editing
(B) writing
(C) formatting
(D) all of above


Rakesh Kumar • 22.47K Points
Instructor III

Q 27. Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several

(A) personal computers
(B) workstations
(C) dumb terminals
(D) mainframes


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 28. Which of the following is used as a primary storage device?

(A) magnetic drum
(B) hard disks
(C) floppy
(D) all of above


Rakesh Kumar • 22.47K Points
Instructor III

Q 29. Where as a computer mouse moves over the table surface, the trackball is

(A) stationary
(B) difficult to move
(C) dragged
(D) moved in small steps


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 30. What type of control pins are needed in a microprocessor to regulate traffic on the bus, in order to prevent two devices from trying to use it at the same time?

(A) bus control
(B) interrupts
(C) bus arbitration
(D) status

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