Management Theory and Practice MCQs


Priyanka Tomar • 29.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 21. Which is/are the benefits of TQM

(A) improvement in product design
(B) reduction in operating costs
(C) reduction in field service costs
(D) all the above


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 22. Which is not a pillar of TQM

(A) product
(B) process
(C) system
(D) action


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 23. The word “quality” suggests ……in every aspect of the organization

(A) goodness
(B) plan
(C) excellence
(D) none of this


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. Authority is the right to give-------- and the power to exact obedience

(A) information
(B) orders
(C) money
(D) none of these


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 25. organisation arises voluntarily or due to social interaction ofpeople

(A) formal
(B) informal
(C) line organization
(D) all of these


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 26. is an organizational structure which clearly defines duties, responsibilities, and authority.

(A) formal
(B) informal
(C) natural
(D) none of these


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 27. is a sequence of activities to be undertaken for implementing the policies and achieving the objectives of an enterprise.

(A) procedures
(B) programme
(C) rule
(D) plans


Priyanka Tomar • 29.31K Points
Instructor II

Q 28. Operational guides to action is knownas

(A) policies
(B) `procedures
(C) plan
(D) none of these


Ranjeet • 28.49K Points
Instructor II

Q 29. … the process of identifying and grouping of work to beperformed

(A) organizing
(B) staffing
(C) divisionof labour
(D) planning


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 30. is the process of selecting one best alternatives from different alternatives.

(A) planning
(B) organizing
(C) decision making
(D) forecasting

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