Managerial Economics 1 MCQs


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 11. Which of the following is not a variable input?

(A) Raw material
(B) Power
(C) Equipment
(D) None of these


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 12. Which is not a property of ISOQUANT?

(A) Downward sloping
(B) Convex
(C) Negative slope
(D) Positive slope


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 13. A graph indicating different combination of inputs with different level of output is called

(A) Iso-cost map
(B) BEP map
(C) Input-output map
(D) Iso-quant map


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 14. …………..product will never be zero or negative

(A) Marginal
(B) Total
(C) Average
(D) All the above


Ram Sharma • 193.65K Points

Q 15. Functional relationship between input and output known as

(A) Conversion
(B) Production function
(C) Work in progress
(D) Output function


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 16. The “law of variable proportion” is first explained by

(A) Edward west
(B) Marshall
(C) Veblen
(D) Keynes


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 17. In business cycle concept, the period (approximately) of “Kit chin cycle” is of:

(A) 5 years
(B) 10 months
(C) 2 years
(D) 4 months


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 18. Factors which change over a long period of time are called……..factors

(A) Business
(B) Cyclic
(C) Secular
(D) All the above


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 19. Where boom ends,……….. starts

(A) Recovery
(B) Recession
(C) Progress
(D) Depression


Priyanka Tomar • 31.09K Points
Instructor I

Q 20. Which of the following is not a macroeconomic concept?

(A) Business cycle
(B) National income
(C) Government policy
(D) None of these

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