Managerial Economics 1 MCQs


Vikash Gupta • 28.17K Points
Instructor II

Q 231. What effect is working when the price of a good falls and consumers tend to buy it insteadof other goods

(A) income effect
(B) substitution effect
(C) price effect
(D) none of these


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 232. Welfare (neo classical) definition of economics is given by

(A) j b say
(B) lionel robbins
(C) adam smith
(D) alfred marshall


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 233. The famous book on economics “An Enquiry into the Nature and Cause of Wealth of Nation” was written by

(A) marshal
(B) ricardo
(C) robins
(D) adam smith


Ram Sharma • 192.55K Points

Q 234. _______ is known as father of economics

(A) marshal
(B) robins
(C) adam smith
(D) a c pigou

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