Managerial Economics 1 MCQs


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 21. ------------is situation with increased investment and increased price

(A) Recession
(B) Progress
(C) Boom
(D) Recovery


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 22. ------------is situation of severely falling prices and lowest level of economic activities

(A) Boom
(B) Recovery
(C) Recession
(D) Depression


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 23. Marginal revenue is ………….at the quantity that generate maximum total revenue and negative beyond that point.

(A) Zero
(B) One
(C) +1
(D) -1


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. The marginal revenue equation can be derived from the:

(A) Demand equation
(B) Supply equation
(C) Cost equation
(D) Price equation


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. The claim that, other things equal, the quantity supplied of a goods rises when the price of goods raises known as:

(A) Law of economics
(B) Law of supply
(C) Law of demand
(D) All of these


Ram Sharma • 192.55K Points

Q 26. Whenever ……… greater than average total cost, average total cost is rising.

(A) Marginal cost
(B) Variable cost
(C) Fixed cost
(D) Full cost


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 27. Whenever marginal cost is more than …………average total cost is falling:

(A) Average total revenue
(B) Average total cost
(C) Average profit
(D) All of these


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 28. The competitive firm’s long run supply curve is the portion of it’s …………..curve lies above average total cost.

(A) Marginal cost
(B) Revenue cost
(C) Fixed cost
(D) All of these


Gopal Sharma • 32.80K Points
Instructor I

Q 29. Price discrimination occurs when variation in prices for a product in different markets does not reflect variation?

(A) Costs
(B) Price
(C) Demand
(D) All of these


Ram Sharma • 192.55K Points

Q 30. The properties of indifference curves are:

(A) Indifference curve slops downwards from left to right
(B) Convex to the point of origin
(C) Two indifference curve never cut each other
(D) All of these

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