Managerial Economics 1 MCQs


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 41. The implication of the kinked demand curve is reflected in a discontinuity in the:

(A) Marginal revenue curve
(B) Marginal cost curve
(C) Total revenue curve
(D) Total cost curve


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 42. The demand curve of a firm in the case of perfect competition is:

(A) Parallel to output axis
(B) Increasing with the output axis
(C) Decreasing with the output axis
(D) Complete


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 43. Production may be defined as an act of:

(A) Creating utility
(B) Earning profit
(C) Destroying utility
(D) Providing services


Gopal Sharma • 33.96K Points
Instructor I

Q 44. Which is the condition of for market penetration?

(A) High price elasticity of demand in the short run
(B) Savings in production costs
(C) Threat of potential competition
(D) All of these


Praveen Singh • 32.12K Points
Instructor I

Q 45. Which is the reason of skimming price?

(A) Inelastic demand
(B) Diversion of market
(C) Safer price policy
(D) All of these


Vijay Sangwan • 24.03K Points
Instructor III

Q 46. Information for pricing decisions involves:

(A) Product information
(B) Market information
(C) Information at the micro level
(D) All of these


Ranjeet • 30.27K Points
Instructor I

Q 47. Which is the determinant of the pricing policy of a firm?

(A) Channel of distribution
(B) Age of product
(C) Consumer association
(D) All of these


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 48. In a perfect market both buyers and sellers are

(A) price maker
(B) price giver
(C) price taker
(D) all the above


Vikash Gupta • 29.26K Points
Instructor II

Q 49. The factors used in the production

(A) Land and labor
(B) capital & entrepreneurship
(C) both a&b
(D) only capital


Admin • 32.61K Points
Instructor I

Q 50. The function of combining the other factors of production is done by

(A) land
(B) labour
(C) Capital
(D) Entrepreneurship

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