Personality Development MCQs


Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 1. _________ experts will tell you that a well planned public relations campaign is often far more effective than advertising.

(A) marketing.
(B) planning.
(C) advertising.
(D) administrative.
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 2. ___________publicity is the publicity accompanying unplanned events.

(A) spontaneous.
(B) . grapevine.
(C) corporate.
(D) global.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 3. __________is the standard wording about a company that usually appears near the bottom of all company issued press releases.

(A) boilerplate.
(B) jump cut.
(C) credit line.
(D) by line.
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Vikash Gupta • 24.35K Points
Instructor III

Q 4. A media relating to different market sectors for a product or service is called as_______.

(A) vertical media.
(B) horizontal media.
(C) straight media.
(D) diverted media.
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 5. A press release format designed for the online media world links, videos and pictures is called as_________.

(A) social media release.
(B) out door release.
(C) web release.
(D) club release.
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Praveen Singh • 27.20K Points
Instructor II

Q 6. The process of communicating an organization's point of view on issues or causes to political audiences like MP's and lobbying groups' is_________.

(A) propaganda.
(B) public opinion.
(C) public affairs.
(D) publicity.
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Rakesh Kumar • 19.20K Points
Tutor I

Q 7. A multi disciplinary approach which uses a number of marketing communications techniques in order to deliver a consistent set of messages is__________.

(A) integrated campaign.
(B) imc.
(C) ad programs.
(D) publicity.
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 8. The following which is the four class model of PR__________.

(A) press agentry/publicity.
(B) one way asymmetrical model.
(C) one way symmetrical model.
(D) public model
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 9. __________also known as online PR involves communications using the internet or new technology to communicate with stakeholders.

(A) internet pr.
(B) e-pr.
(C) web pr.
(D) ip pr.
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 10. Having a communications plan in place that can be effectively put in to action when something goes wrong for a company or organization is called__________.

(A) crisis management.
(B) resource management
(C) plan management.
(D) market management.
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