Production and Operation Management MCQs


Rakesh Kumar • 22.47K Points
Instructor III

Q 21. In _______layout , the facilities are clubbed together so as to form a cell.

(A) product.
(B) process.
(C) cellular.
(D) fixed.


Vikash Gupta • 27.68K Points
Instructor II

Q 22. The five elements in the management process are ___________.

(A) plan, direct, update, lead, and supervise .
(B) accounting/finance, marketing, operations, and management .
(C) organize, plan, control, staff, and manage .
(D) plan, lead, organize, manage, and control .


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 23. Who among the following is associated with contributions to quality control in operations management?

(A) charles babbage.
(B) henry ford.
(C) frank gilbreth .
(D) w. edwards deming.


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. Walter Shewhart is listed among the important people of operations management because of his contributions to ____________.

(A) assembly line production.
(B) measuring the productivity in the service sector.
(C) just-in-time inventory methods.
(D) statistical quality control.


Praveen Singh • 30.56K Points
Instructor I

Q 25. Operations management is applicable ________________.

(A) mostly to the service sector .
(B) to services exclusively.
(C) mostly to the manufacturing sector.
(D) to manufacturing and service sectors.


Ram Sharma • 192.10K Points

Q 26. __________ is a process of planning and regulating the operation of that part of
an enterprise which is responsible for actual transformation of materials into finished

(A) manufacturing management.
(B) operation management.
(C) systems management.
(D) production management.


Vijay Sangwan • 22.51K Points
Instructor III

Q 27. which is not a part of 5R's of buying?

(A) right quality.
(B) right quantity.
(C) right source.
(D) none of the above.


Admin • 31.08K Points
Instructor I

Q 28. Which of the following functions is not a core function of an organization?

(A) the marketing (including sales) function.
(B) the operations function.
(C) the accounting and finance function.
(D) the product/service development function.


Vijay Sangwan • 22.51K Points
Instructor III

Q 29. Production cost is less in __________manufacturing system.

(A) continuous.
(B) intermittent.
(C) hybrid.
(D) job shop.


Gopal Sharma • 32.42K Points
Instructor I

Q 30. Chances of accidents are more in ________ manufacturing system.

(A) continuous.
(B) intermittent.
(C) hybrid.
(D) job shop.

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