Reading Literature in English MCQs


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 11. The play ‘The Bear’ is written by________________.

(A) W
(B) yeats b. Tagore
(C) Anton Chekov
(D) Lady Gregory


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 12. Lady Gregory is ____________ playwright .

(A) American
(B) African
(C) English
(D) Irish


Rakesh Kumar • 22.96K Points
Instructor III

Q 13. The Rising of the Moon is a symbol of _______________.

(A) Irish folk tradition
(B) Irish independence
(C) English rule
(D) None of the above.


Praveen Singh • 31.02K Points
Instructor I

Q 14. Who was the person who came along when the policeman was alone guarding the harbour?

(A) A beggar
(B) A ballad singer
(C) A fortune teller
(D) A hungry old man


Shiva Ram • 25.22K Points
Instructor II

Q 15. What is the amount the authorities put as prize money for the head of the escaped prisoner?

(A) Two hundred pound
(B) Three hundred pounds
(C) Six hundred pounds
(D) Hundred pounds


Priyanka Tomar • 29.87K Points
Instructor II

Q 16. The escaped prisoner in ‘The Rising of The Moon’ was an important _____________.

(A) Cinema actor
(B) Political Leader
(C) Gang leader
(D) None of the above.


Vinay • 23.18K Points
Instructor III

Q 17. The play begins with a sergeant and two policemen __________a notice or a placard with physical details of the escaped prisoner.

(A) Planning
(B) Pasting
(C) Tearing
(D) Discussing


Vijay Sangwan • 22.93K Points
Instructor III

Q 18. ‘The Rising of The Moon’ is a __________ .

(A) Tragic-comedy
(B) Comic play
(C) Tragedy
(D) Political Play


Vikash Gupta • 28.17K Points
Instructor II

Q 19. Lady Gregory was the co- founder of the ___________theatre.

(A) Golden
(B) The Rose
(C) Abbey
(D) None of the above


Admin • 31.52K Points
Instructor I

Q 20. ‘The Rising of The Moon’ is a play written by______________.

(A) Anton Chekov
(B) W.B.Yeats
(C) Lady Gregory
(D) Henrik Ibsen

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