Service Marketing MCQs


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 21. The plan for differentiating the firm from its competitors in consumers eyes is referred to as the firms

(A) Communication mix
(B) Positioning strategy.
(C) Publicity.
(D) Target marketing


Ranjeet • 30.31K Points
Instructor I

Q 22. The primary role of a service firm for the customer in the communication mix is to ……

(A) Confuse customers.
(B) Inform and remind customers
(C) Oppose the competitor s claim
(D) Persuade the dealers.


Admin • 32.68K Points
Instructor I

Q 23. Do studies suggest that price is more likely to be used as a cue to quality under the following conditions?

(A) When alternatives are of bad products
(B) When the company new to the market
(C) When a price is the primary differential information available
(D) When a customer does not have knowledge


Ranjeet • 30.31K Points
Instructor I

Q 24. Which pricing strategies encourage the customer to expand his/her dealings with the service provider?

(A) Relationship pricing
(B) Price bundling.
(C) Benefit-driven pricing.
(D) Efficiency pricing.


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 25. The technique that allows consumers to either buy Service A and Service B together on purchase one service separately is called

(A) Long-term bundling
(B) Mixed bundling
(C) Price bundling.
(D) Product bundling


Vijay Sangwan • 24.10K Points
Instructor III

Q 26. Costs that are planned and are accrued during the operating period regardless of the level of production and sales are called

(A) Direct variable costs
(B) Fixed costs.
(C) Average costs
(D) Marginal costs.


Gopal Sharma • 34K Points
Instructor I

Q 27. Customer competencies can be described as

(A) Consumer expectations pertaining to the service delivery process and the final outcome
(B) Customer perceptions regarding the quality of the outcome
(C) Customer abilities that enable them to properly evaluate the servicescape.
(D) The ability to interact effectively with other


Rakesh Kumar • 24.21K Points
Instructor III

Q 28. Among many services, the demand for medical services tends to be __________.

(A) Inelastic.
(B) Elastic.
(C) Substitute demand
(D) Price cross elastic demand


Ram Sharma • 193.72K Points

Q 29. Customer frustration resulting from receiving poor service is most similar to

(A) Image costs.
(B) Monetary price
(C) Energy costs.
(D) Psychic costs.


Gopal Sharma • 34K Points
Instructor I

Q 30. Service firms often find themselves in a three-cornered fight between

(A) Engineering, production, and accounting
(B) Marketing, finance, and human resources
(C) Operations, accounting, and marketing
(D) Human resources, marketing and operations

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