Supply Chain Management MCQs


Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 1. Cash on delivery method is normally used for

(A) Bulk cargo with immediate market.
(B) Slow moving items.
(C) Small but valuable items sent by post.
(D) Exports to countries with balance of payments problems.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 2. ______ offers the opportunity to buy direct from the supplier with reduced costs and shorter cycle.

(A) reintermediation
(B) countermediation
(C) contramediation
(D) disintermediation
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Priyanka Tomar • 25.98K Points
Instructor II

Q 3. The correct sequence of an organizations supply chain from a systems perspective is:

(A) transformation process, delivery to customers, acquisition of resources.
(B) transformation process, acquisition of resources, delivery to customers.
(C) acquisition of resources, transformation process, delivery to customers.
(D) delivery to customers, acquisition of resources, transformation process.
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Gopal Sharma • 28.64K Points
Instructor II

Q 4. The downstream supply chain is:

(A) exclusively inside an organization.
(B) involved with procurement of material from suppliers.
(C) the distribution of products or delivery of services to customers.
(D) both the first and third answer above.
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Ranjeet • 25.13K Points
Instructor II

Q 5. The upstream supply chain is:

(A) exclusively inside an organization.
(B) involved with procurement of material from suppliers.
(C) the distribution of products or delivery of services to customers.
(D) both the first and third answer above.
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Praveen Singh • 27.20K Points
Instructor II

Q 6. An appropriate strategy to optimize the productivity of retail space and inventory is:

(A) efficient store assortments.
(B) revision of organization processes supported by information systems.
(C) integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.
(D) efficient replacement.
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Shiva Ram • 21.45K Points
Instructor III

Q 7. An appropriate strategy to optimize for time and cost in the ordering process is:

(A) efficient store assortments.
(B) revision of organization processes supported by information systems.
(C) integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.
(D) efficient replacement.
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Ram Sharma • 188.81K Points

Q 8. An appropriate strategy to maximize efficiency of promotions is:

(A) revision of organization processes supported by information systems.
(B) efficient store assortments..
(C) integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.
(D) efficient replacement.
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Mohini Yadav • 27.60K Points
Instructor II

Q 9. An appropriate strategy to achieve timely, accurate, paperless information flow is:

(A) integrate this activity into all supply chain planning.
(B) efficient store assortments.
(C) revision of organization processes supported by information systems.
(D) efficient replacement.
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Vijay Sangwan • 19.12K Points
Tutor I

Q 10. The warehousing function that combines the logistical flow of several small shipments to a specific market area is

(A) break bulk function.
(B) operational function.
(C) stockpiling function.
(D) consolidation function.
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